ARTstor adds Schlesinger Library Material
Collaborative Agreement Reached Between the Arthur and Elizabeth
Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (Radcliffe
Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University) and ARTstor.
The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in
America (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University) and
ARTstor Inc. announced today that they had reached an agreement to
collaborate on the distribution through ARTstor of approximately 360,000
high quality digital images from the Schlesinger Library's renowned
photographic archives.
The Schlesinger Library at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study is
the leading national repository for women's history. The Library's
collections document the full spectrum of activities and experiences of
women in the 19th and 20th centuries. Particular strengths include
women's rights and suffrage, social reform, the labor movement, work and
professions, family history, health and sexuality, culinary history, and
gender issues. In the Library's collections, there are more than 70,000
images in all varieties of photographic formats. These images represent
the work of both professional and amateur artistic and documentary
photographers and include portraits of individuals and family groups,
men, children, landscapes, houses and interiors, travel pictures, women
at work, and political and social activities. Although they provide a
unique kind of documentation of women's history that complements and
enriches other parts of the Library's collections, these images were,
until recently, all but inaccessible.
This collaboration between ARTstor and the Schlesinger Library will make
this rich body of visual material and related scholarship available
electronically, and in high resolution, to the larger educational and
scholarly community for the first time. The audience for these
materials will include scholars, teachers, and students throughout the
arts, humanities and social sciences, who will value having the ability
to access, browse, and make rich educational and scholarly uses of this
unique corpus of images. In reaching this agreement, Nancy F. Cott, the
director of the Schlesinger Library and also Jonathan Trumbull Professor
of American History at Harvard University, said "I am thrilled that this
collaboration will bring a large part of the Schlesinger's unique
collection of photographic images to viewers worldwide."
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