Thursday, April 14, 2005

New Collection at JSTOR

JSTOR is very pleased to introduce the Biological Sciences Collection.
The Biological Sciences Collection will include at least 100 titles when
it is completed by the end of 2007. This collection will bring together
the twenty-nine journals available in our existing Ecology & Botany
Collection with more than seventy titles new to JSTOR. The journals in
this collection offer greater depth in fields such as biodiversity,
conservation, paleontology, and plant science, in addition to
introducing new areas like cell biology and zoology.

In developing the Biological Sciences Collection, JSTOR has partnered
with two leading organizations in biological sciences publishing: the
Ecological Society of America (ESA) and BioOne. Similar to the
assistance they provided with the development of Ecology & Botany, the
ESA assembled a committee of scholars to review and recommend journals
to us, in addition to taking the lead in securing a grant from the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to digitize a portion of the collection.
BioOne has joined this collaboration by facilitating the inclusion of
many BioOne participating publications in the collection. In the future
we hope to develop cross-site searching and article-level links between
BioOne and JSTOR.

We invite you to view the complete details for this new collection on
JSTOR's web site. For collection descriptions, fee information, journal
lists, and participation instructions, please see:

We are very happy to facilitate the growth and diversification of the
JSTOR archive holdings with this new collection. The multidisciplinary
JSTOR Arts & Sciences and Biological Sciences collections and the
existing discipline-specific collections (e.g. Business, Ecology &
Botany) have been designed to offer participation flexibility for
libraries and institutions. With several options available, participants
are able to choose both the collections and growth paths that are most
appropriate for their needs.