Enhanced Ovid Web Gateway Interface Coming July 12!
ear Ovid Customer,
We’re very excited to announce that the visual and functional enhancements to our Ovid Web Gateway are complete and the interface will be automatically switched-over on July 12!
The Ovid Web Gateway Resource Center continues to be the first place you need to look for information and training materials to help you introduce your patrons to the new power and flexibility of the interface. Visit http://www.responsetrack.net/lnk/ovid48097/?11KVX037PES to:
* Sign up for an extensive “train the trainer” session. You can also register for a session directly by going to http://www.responsetrack.net/lnk/ovid57380/?11KVX037PES
* View an online tutorial and learn more about Ovid search functionality
* Download a pdf of the End User Guide for printing [coming soon]
* Get an in-depth, detailed look at the new “Find Citation”, “Find Citing Articles”, “Find Similar”, and “Purchase Print Copy” features
And if you haven’t already done so, check out the interface! It was re-designed—based on feedback from institutions like yours—to provide students and faculty, with a better, faster, more user-friendly vehicle for finding and getting access to the research material they need. If you have any questions about the interface, please don’t hesitate to contact Ovid’s Technical Support team at support@ovid.com.
Ovid Technologies
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