We're delighted to announce that Alexander Street Press has just released
the fourth version of North American Women's
Drama. The collection now
includes 1,020 plays and 247 authors, up from 715 plays and 152 authors in
the previous release. As a customer, you are connected to the new version
automatically; you don't have to do anything except enjoy the new content!
We encourage you to forward this e-mail to all faculty, staff, and users to
alert them of the collection's newest treasures.
In addition to featuring twenty-three new plays from Gertrude Stein,
including They
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.279> Must. Be Wedded. To Their Wife, The
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.325> Mother of All of Us, and Dr.
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.314> Faustus Lights the Lights, the
collection also showcases a number of important works, such as:
* Six plays from Mary Coyle Chase, including Mrs.
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.332> McThing, and Sorority
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.726> House, and Harvey
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.322> ;
* Seven plays from Mary Graham DuBois (three of which were
previously unpublished), including Coal
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.312> Dust, Elijah's
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.317> Ravens, and Dust
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.316> to Earth;
* Six plays from Mary Arnold Crocker, including The
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.729> Dog and The
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.157> Baby Carriage;
* The previously unpublished Frida:
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.494> The Story of Frida Kahlo by
Migdalia Cruz;
* Fifteen plays from May Fisk, including The
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.779> Silent Sex: Monologues and
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.773> Ill;
* Two contemporary gay and lesbian plays from Holly
thor_ids=A36502&previouslyunpublished=No> Hughes;
* Sixteen plays from Gertrude Eleanor Jennings, including Cats
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.819> Claws and Hearts
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.821> to Sell;
* Ten plays from Daisy McGeoch, including Proposing
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.879> , Thrilling
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.883> , and Mormonizing
databases/asp/wodr/fulltext/IMAGE/.876> ;
* Plays from newly featured authors Nora
thor_ids=A43675> Ephron, Gloria
thor_ids=A54160> Miguel, Muriel
28633&showfullrecord=ON> Miguel, Elise
thor_ids=A51865> Quaife, Joan
thor_ids=A39925> Schenkar, Ntozake
thor_ids=A16656> Shange, and Naomi
thor_ids=A51789> Wallace.
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