Friday, October 14, 2005

ARTstor personal Collections for Instructors

* Personal Collections available in ARTstor *

We are pleased to announce the availability of ARTstor's Personal
Collection Tools. We have recognized from the outset that it is
essential to enable and facilitate the integration of ARTstor's
content with other digital content available to ARTstor users. These
Personal Collection Tools have been developed to allow individuals to
add local images into the online ARTstor environment. Once uploaded,
those images can be added to public or private image groups and used
like any other image in ARTstor.

First, here is an example of how Personal Collections can be helpful.
Professor Smith is teaching an architecture class. He has taken
several digital photographs on a recent trip to Chicago and would like
to use them for a lecture. He is aware of the ability to do that with
the Offline Image Viewer. However, Professor Smith encourages his
students to review his lectures online in ARTstor Image Groups. Unless
Professor Smith can upload his images for creating his Image Group –
the basis of his lecture – he will only be able to present his lecture
offline. Sharing his lecture through an OIV presentation file is still
possible but more difficult than directing students to the ARTstor
website to review his Image Group.

To get started, you should download and print this handout[2] with
tips for building your Personal Collection. The next time you enter
ARTstor, you will see two new links at the bottom of the “Tools” menu
in ARTstor: Personal Collection Image Upload and Personal Collection

If you do not see those links under the Tools menu, check 3 things:

- You are logged in;
- You have instructor privileges; and
- Your institutional contact has enabled Personal Collections for your

Your institutional ARTstor contact can decide when to activate
Personal Collections for your institution. You can contact them for
more information. [If you are an ARTstor contact but you do not know
how to enable Personal Collections for your institution, please contact

Use the “Personal Collection Image Upload” tool to add your images to
ARTstor. When you add an image from a local drive (be it something
scanned, purchased, or taken with a digital camera), the image file is
uploaded to the remote ARTstor server and a derivative image file that
allows you to zoom in on the image (like any other ARTstor image) is
created in FPX format. Original images can be uploaded in any of the
following image formats: JPG / JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, or PNG.

The upload screens include disclaimers to inform you of your
responsibilities in selecting and posting content and will indicate
that neither ARTstor, nor the institution with which you are
affiliated, will be screening such content and therefore can not take
responsibility for it.

The original uploaded file is then discarded, since our keeping it
would (depending upon the size of the file) begin to represent a
significant amount of storage space. If you decide to save/download
your uploaded images out of ARTstor, the image will be exported in jpg
format at the original dimensions. (These images will not be
restricted to the 400 pixel maximum; if a 1600 x 1600 pixel image is
uploaded, a 1600 x 1600 pixel JPG will be available for download.)

Please note that in order to save Personal Collection images into an
OIV presentation, you must be using the most recent version of the OIV
software, version 2.0. OIV derivatives are created hourly and can be
downloaded into OIV 2.0 an hour or two after uploading new images.

Each time you log in, you will now see a "My Personal Collection"
listed after the other ARTstor Collections in the ARTstor Library.
This Collection can be searched, opened and browsed just like other
ARTstor collections; but it is visible only to you for browsing and –
if you choose – the rest of your institution for searching.

There are two levels of security for Personal Collection images:
limited access and institutional access. Each image is assigned a
limited access security level by default. Access levels can be altered
on an image-by-image basis. Here are the definitions for both levels
of security.

Limited access:

- Only a search by the creator will retrieve the image
- Only the creator can save the image into an Image Group
- Only the creator can download a copy of the image
- Only the creator can print a copy of the image
- Only the creator can save the image into an OIV presentation
- All other users can view the image when saved in an Image Group to
which they have access

Institutional access:

- A search by any institutional user will retrieve the image
- All institutional users can save the image into an Image Group
- All institutional users can download a copy of the image
- All institutional users can print a copy of the image
- All institutional users can save the image into an OIV presentation

Use the “Personal Collection Administration” tool to manage your
uploaded images. You can catalog uploaded images here and sort them
into topics for browsing.

This capacity is currently limited to users with Instructor
Privileges. You will receive 500MB of Personal Collection space for
your images. (500MB could potentially store up to 2000 image files –
depending on the image resolution.)