Tuesday, December 13, 2005

EBSCO Customer Care

Dear EBSCO Publishing Customer:

We are excited to announce the launch of a new and industry-leading resource created for
customers and based on valuable customer feedback: EBSCO's new Customer Success Center

The Customer Success Center is an unprecedented resource dedicated to our customers'
professional development and success. At the Customer Success Center you'll find over 100
free tools, including items specifically targeted for public libraries:

* Free access to the Library, Information Science & Technology
Abstracts (LISTA) database, the industry's leading library
professional development research tool.
* A repository of success stories from some of EBSCO's leading
customers, sharing their best practices and learnings on such
topics as successful community outreach, marketing library
resources, planning a library card campaign, and promoting the
library's website.
* A complete web site, It's a Reading Rave!, designed to encourage
reading with young adults, including links to other "cool,"
high-interest reading sites, games, and more.
* A list of grant sources with helpful tips on database investing.
* Papers and recommendations on library assessment, evaluation, and
patron surveys.
* Readers' advisory tools including book talks and book guides.
* Professional development tools.
* And much more!

Have a question, story, tool, or idea for the Customer Success Center? Please send us
your thoughts and feedback at customersuccess@epnet.com.


Emily Hayden
Customer Success Manager
EBSCO Publishing
10 Estes Street
Ipswich, MA 01938