Thursday, May 25, 2006

Historical Abstracts & America: H&L

Dear /Historical Abstracts/ and /America: History and Life/ subscriber,

As part of a 50-year anniversary celebration in 2005, ABC-CLIO embarked on a multiyear
program to upgrade and enhance both /Historical Abstracts/ and /America: History and
Lif/e. A new version of the databases, with a redesigned interface and many new features,
was introduced in January 2006.

Now, based on feedback from customers, we're pleased to announce another upgrade to the
databases. These new features will become active on June 15, 2006, with the release of
version 4.1.

Version 4.1 features will include:

* Cross-database searching between /Historical Abstracts /and
/America: History and Life/
* / / Faster, smarter searching, including:

suggested terms for searches that return no results


inverted author names


punctuation alternatives


dynamic search tips

* Ability for users to save search histories to a personal profile
* Enhanced search capability for time period searches that includes
individual years and spans of years
* Ability for users to build a set of tagged records across multiple
* A display option for expanding all of a user's search result
records at once
* Addition of a "print-this-entry" option for each record in a
search results display
* Ability to easily limit searches to English language entries only
* OpenURL-support for book entries in the /Historical Abstracts/

ABC-CLIO is committed to building upon its legacy of producing landmark history
resources, and we think you—and your patrons—will be pleased with the enhanced
research capabilities of both databases. As always, your comments and feedback are

Best regards,

The team at ABC-CLIO