NetLibrary October eBook of the Month
The Stem Cell Divide: The Facts, the Fiction, and the Fear Driving the Greatest Scientific, Political, and Religious Debate of Our Time
There has been much recent debate about the merits, dangers, and nature of stem cell research. Some see in it the answer to every debilitating
disease known to man, while others see it as a step away from human cloning.
In the search for the truth about stem cell science, the author of the October eBook of the Month has interviewed the scientists whose cutting-edge
research is at the very heart of this hot-button issue. This eBook explains what they have accomplished so far, what theyre currently doing, and
what they see on the horizon.
The Stem Cell Divide does not take sides, and the author debunks the distortions and exaggerations that come from every camp. This eBook does not
tell readers what to think, but gives them the facts necessary to form their own opinions about one of the most divisive, complex, and potentially
life-changing developments in history.
Designed to increase awareness of online resources and highlight the value of your eBook collection, the October eBook of the Month is provided
through the generous support of AMACOM Books. Dont miss this opportunity to showcase your NetLibrary collection by sharing this indespensible guide
to the stem cell debate.
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