Friday, January 19, 2007

What's New in ARTstor

What's New in ARTstor

*Additional Contemporary Art from the Larry Qualls Archive*
Larry Qualls has been systematically documenting contemporary art
exhibitions at galleries and other exhibition spaces throughout New
York City and elsewhere. We are pleased to announce now that we have
just released additional images from the Larry Qualls Archive,
bringing the total number available to ARTstor users to approximately

*More European Art and Architecture from Scala Archives and Art
We are pleased to announce that we released additional images of major
works of Italian and other European art from Scala Archives, bringing
the total number of Scala images now available to ARTstor users to
approximately 3,000.

*Southern Asian Art: ACSAA Color Slide Project Completed*
The American Council for Southern Asian Art (ACSAA) project is now
complete. An additional 7,000 images from the ACSAA collection are now
available to ARTstor users, bringing the total number of images to

Tips & Tools

*New and Improved “Using ARTstor” Website*
We have redesigned the “Using ARTstor” section of the ARTstor website ([10]
based on feedback from our users. We changed the navigation, added and
updated instructional and training materials. Please visit the new
site and let us know what you think!

*OIV and PowerPoint Import Tips*
We have received many questions and great feedback about the new
PowerPoint import feature in the OIV 2.6. If you have tried this
feature, or are just learning about it for the first time, these tips
will help your PowerPoint presentations look just as good in the OIV
as they do in PowerPoint!

Upcoming Collections

*Update on Contemporary Art: New Collaborations*
ARTstor is pleased to announce important collaborations with the Josef
and Anni Albers Foundation, the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation and
Estate, and the Rothko Family Collection. Through these joint efforts,
several thousand high quality – and in some cases previously
unpublished – images of works held by these foundations and estates
will be made available for teaching and study.