Friday, February 16, 2007

New at ARTstor

What’s New in ARTstor

Images from Lichtenstein Foundation and Estate
ARTstor is excited to announce that the first set of images from the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation and Estate have been added to the ARTstor Digital Library. These images span a range of periods over the artist’s life and include many of his most well known works. To browse these new ARTstor images, click on “Image Gallery” on the ARTstor “welcome page” and then select “Individual Artists and Estates: Roy Lichtenstein” or simply search the keyword “Lichtenstein.”

Italian Renaissance Painting from the Foto Reali Archive
The Foto Reali Archive, one of the most important photographic archives belonging to the National Gallery of Art Library’s Department of Image Collections, is now available to ARTstor users. Foto Reali was a Florentine photographic firm that surveyed private art collections as well as dealer inventories in Italy in the early twentieth century, often photographing the paintings in situ.

Medieval French Architecture and American Architecture from the Clarence Ward Archive
The Clarence Ward Archive richly documents Romanesque and Gothic architecture in France and selectively documents American architecture from Colonial times through the early 20th century. ARTstor has digitized the ca. 4,000 large format nitrate negatives and is now distributing them through the ARTstor Digital Library.