Friday, June 01, 2007

ARTstor Expands Accessibility

ARTstor Expands Accessibility to Images for Academic Publishing

In March 2007, ARTstor and The Metropolitan Museum of Art began a new collaboration, Images for Academic Publishing (IAP) that allowed scholars at ARTstor participating institutions to download and use, free of charge, high-resolution digital images for academic publications. Initially, nearly 1,700 images representative of the renowned Metropolitan Museum's encyclopedic collection became available through the ARTstor interface to users at all ARTstor participating institutions.

Access to IAP is now being extended to unaffiliated scholars, including those at institutions which do not license ARTstor. Scholars at participating ARTstor institutions are able to access these images through the ARTstor Digital Library ( . All other scholars can contact ARTstor ( or The Metropolitan Museum ( to be registered for free access to IAP.

Additional images will be added to IAP by The Metropolitan Museum of Art later this year and ARTstor is working with other museums and organizations. to expand the content available through IAP.

ARTstor, a digital image library, was created in 2001 as a non-profit initiative of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. It is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to serving education and scholarship in the arts and humanities. The more than 750 non-profit institutions currently participating in ARTstor are located in North America, Australia/New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and continental Europe.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art – founded in 1870 with a mission to collect, preserve, and display works of art spanning 5,000 years of world culture from every part of the globe, and to educate the public about art – is the most comprehensive art museum in the Western Hemisphere with a collection now including more than two million works of art.