Monday, January 31, 2005

ARTstor Remote Access

Remote Access means trying to access ARTstor from outside of the IP address(es) that have been authorized for your institution. An IP (InternetProtocol) address is a number that identifies every computer on the Internet.Every institution has one or several IP addresses to identify all of thecomputers in that institution. We rely on those IP addresses to tell us thatyour institution should have access to ARTstor.

If you are trying to access ARTstor from a computer that is not physically inyour institution (home or off-campus, for example) your IP address will notmatch those from your institution. Therefore, to identify you as a validARTstor user, we have to find a different approach. In some cases you can usea proxy server, which will allow your computer to pretend that it is on-campus and within your institution's IP range. But not all institutions areable to offer this service to their users. Please talk to someone in yourLibrary or Instructional Technology Department to find out what proxy optionsare offered at your institution.

Furthermore, proxy servers are only helpful with online resources. ForARTstor, we have online and offline resources. Our Offline Image Viewercannot utilize proxy servers and therefore when required to login to ARTstorvia the Offline Image Viewer, you need to be physically located in yourinstitution's IP-validated workstations. This has caused some inconveniencethat we are hoping to eliminate.

So, we have developed a new authentication solution. We will now give allregistered ARTstor users temporary access to ARTstor from outside theirinstitutions - even from within other institutions. How does this work?

1. First and foremost, you must register an account with ARTstor from withinyour home institution. For more information on how to register an account, see our help document here.

2. Each time you log on to your ARTstor account from within your institution(or via your institution's proxy server), you will reset your Access GracePeriod to the maximum length - 14 days. This means that for the next 14 daysyou will be able to access ARTstor from any computer connected to theInternet. You will also be able to authenticate the Offline Image Viewer orlog in to ARTstor from the Offline Image Viewer to download your ARTstorImage Groups from any computer.

3. If you try to access online ARTstor remotely, when you click on the"Search and Browse for Images" link, a new window will open requesting youremail address and password. When you click the "submit" button on that form,if you have entered a valid ARTstor user account and if you have logged on tothat ARTstor account in the past 14 days, you will enter the ARTstor Library.As you enter, you will be reminded of how many days remain in your AccessGrace Period.

4. If you are using the Offline Viewer and need to log in to download yourImage Groups, you will enter your email address and password when prompted asalways. Provided you have logged in to online ARTstor in the past 14 days,you will see a list of your Image Groups and folders per usual. You will alsobe able to use your email address and password to reauthenticate your OIVsoftware when prompted. PLEASE NOTE: You must have Offline Image Viewerversion 1.2 installed for the new remote access to work. Offline Image Viewerversion 1.2 will be announced and made available during the week of December6, 2004.

5. If you want to send your students a link to an image or Image Group inARTstor online, if they click on the link from off-campus, they will beprompted to log on with their email address and password. Provided they haveregistered an email address and password with ARTstor, and they have accessedtheir account in the past 14 days, they will be able to view the contents ofthe link.

6. Please remember that ARTstor is subject to terms and conditions of use,which require, among other things, that you not share your password withothers. For more information on the terms and conditions of use, please go here.

Frequently asked questions

When I click on "Search and Browse for Images" I am prompted to login with myemail address and password. Why? What do I do?

If you are prompted at this point to use your email address and password,that means you are trying to enter ARTstor from a computer that is notauthorized for ARTstor access. Your computer is probably not physicallywithin your institution. You should enter your email address and password asyou did when you registered an account with ARTstor.

I have never registered an account with ARTstor and I want to use ARTstorremotely.

If you have never registered an account with ARTstor, you need to do thatbefore you can access ARTstor remotely. If you can get back to yourinstitution or campus, you can register there. If you are home and haveaccess to online ARTstor through your institution's proxy server, accessingARTstor and registering that way will work too.

I have an account with ARTstor but I've forgotten my password.

There is a "lost password" function built in to ARTstor but in order to useit, you must be able to access online ARTstor by either being within yourinstitution or by utilizing your institution's proxy server.

When I try to connect to ARTstor through the Offline Viewer I get an errormessage: "Trouble connecting to ARTstor, please try again later."

If you get that error message, you'll need to upgrade your version of theOffline Image Viewer. The remote access grace period requires version 1.2which will be made available during the week of December 6, 2004. To downloadand install this new version, you can follow the instructions in our helpdocument here.

Another announcement will be sent out when OIV version 1.2 is available.