A Century of PsycARTICLES
Collection of More than a Century of Articles Will Be Provided to
Licensees at No Additional Charge
CHICAGO, June 25, 2005-The American Psychological Association (APA)
announced today that nearly 100 years of issues from 24 APA journals
will be added to PsycARTICLES this fall, effectively doubling the size
of the collection and creating the world's largest full-text database in
PsycARTICLES currently extends to 1985. The PsycARTICLES
1894-1984 archive, which APA announced at the American Library
Association 2005 Annual Conference, will be available to all
PsycARTICLES licensees at no additional charge over the regular
published annual data fees for PsycARTICLES in effect at the time of
initial licensing or renewal.
"From the inception of PsycARTICLES, our goal has been to
provide coverage of each journal to Volume 1, Issue 1," said Linda
Beebe, Senior Director, PsycINFO. "We're excited that we'll soon be able
to offer that coverage to our customers as a free enhancement to the
database. The PsycARTICLES Archive will provide content of immense
historical and research value that is unavailable in any other full-text
collection. And when paired with PsycINFO, users will have the added
value of precise recall of this material from PsycINFO abstracts and
indexing that will be unavailable from any other A&I or federated search
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