PsycINFO Enhancements
EBSCO release of PsycINFO reflects changes made by the APA.
New or Revised Limiters:
* Publication Type (drop down list): This is a new field for 2005-2006, which takes the place of what used to be called “document type” and simplifies searching by assigning one or more of five “top level” labels to every document. These are Journal, Book, Encyclopedia, Dissertation Abstract and Electronic Collection. Journals can also be searched using peer-reviewed status and Books are subdivided into “authored” or “edited.”
o This limiter replaces the old “Document Type” field.
* Document Type (drop down list): This field has been revised for this implementation and is a subset of PubType. Each record in the database has only one of 16 DocType values assigned. These are: Abstract Collection, Bibliography , Column/Opinion, Comment/Reply, Editorial, Erratum/Correction, Letter, Obituary, All Chapters, Original Chapter, Reprinted Chapter, All Journal articles, Original Journal Article, Reprinted Journal Article, Publication Information, Review
o This limiter replaces the old Form Content values: Autobiography/Biography, Bibliography, Comment, Erratum/Retraction, Reprint, Journal Article, Journal Abstract, Journal Column/Opinion, Journal Editorial, Journal Information, Journal Letter, Journal Obituary, Journal Review, Journal Review-Software/Video/Other
* Book Type (drop down list): This new field allows user to search for books only and to narrow that search to include only Classic Books, Handbooks/Manuals, Textbooks/Study Guides, Conference Proceedings or Reference Books.
* Methodology Type (drop down list): Enables users to search for a specific category of research study. Categories include: Empirical Study, Experimental Replication, Followup Study, Longitudinal Study, Prospective Study, Retrospective Study, Field Study, Literature Review, Mathematical Modeling, Meta Analysis, Nonclinical Case, Study, Qualitative Study, Quantitative Study, Treatment Outcome/Randomized Clinical Trial
* Classification Codes (drop-down): Allows user to search using full drop down list of all 157 APA number codes and descriptions for areas of psychological study.
Unchanged limiters are: Linked Full Text (check box), References Available (check box), Publication (edit box), Published date (edit box with drop downs for “month”), Publication year (edit boxes), Peer Reviewed (check box), Publisher (edit box), English (check box), Language (drop down), Age Groups (drop down), Population Group (drop down), Intended Audience (drop down).
Index Browse (new/revised values in bold):
* Accession Number
* Age Group
* Author
* Author Affiliation
* Book Series
* Book Type
* Classification
* Conference Title
* Corporate Author
* Dissertation Number
* Document Type
* Intended Audience
* Journal Title
* Language
* Methodology
* Population
* Population Locator
* Publication Type
* Publisher
* Release Date
* Subjects (All)
* Subjects (Major)
* Tests and Measures
* Year of Publication
Source Type Searching: Source type searching will be added to the EBSCOhost version of the PsycINFO database before the end of December 2005. Preliminary sources chosen for display are: All Results, All Journals, Peer-Reviewed Journals, Books, Encyclopedia, Dissertation Abstracts, and Electronic Collections.
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