Thursday, December 15, 2005

Duke University Press Journals

*Duke University Press journals content now available online on HighWire *

Duke University Press is pleased to announce that its journal content is now available
online on HighWire Press; content will no longer be available on Ingenta as of December
31, 2005. To access Duke University Press journals online, please visit

Over the past ten years, HighWire Press, a division of Stanford University Libraries, has
established itself as an industry leader in online hosting services, earning the 2003
Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers Award for "Service to
Not-for-Profit Publishing." Known for setting the bar for online functionality and
usability as well as for the stability and robustness of its site, HighWire's impressive
array of features, including Table of Contents alerting, toll-free access across cited
journals within HighWire's collection, RSS feeds (available for select Duke University
Press journals), and enhanced search features and reference linking, are now available to
Duke University Press journal subscribers with online access.

"We are very pleased to have embarked on what we expect to be a longtime partnership with
HighWire Press," remarked Duke University Press Director Steve Cohn. "Given HighWire's
standing as an influential leader in electronic publishing, and its premier
electronic-hosting technology as well as its mission to advance the frontiers of
knowledge and its commitment to scholarly research, goals that are closely aligned to
ours as a university press, it feels as though we have finally found a good online home
for our journals content that will meet the needs of our subscribers."

Twenty-nine Duke University Press titles are available on HighWire Press, and the newly
acquired /New German Critique/ and the /Philosophical Review/ are to be added to the
Press's online holdings in 2006. To ensure uninterrupted online access, subscribers to
Duke University Press journal content will need to activate their subscription on
HighWire Press. For activation instructions, please visit

For additional information, including a comprehensive list of HighWire
URLs for Duke University Press journals, Ingenta to HighWire URL
mapping, and to view frequently asked questions regarding online access,
please visit