Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What's New at Earthscape

This month, Earthscape (www.earthscape.org) concentrates on sustainable forestry. We
welcome new contributors CIFOR, Forest Trends and the National Commission on Science for
Sustainable Forestry. These publications present a range of perspectives and provide an
overview of the state of science, policy and programs focused on preserving, maintaining
and restoring forest ecosystems and enhancing the economic livelihoods of communities
dependent on forests.

This month's collection of web resources, for all levels of teachers and learners,
include the Union of Concerned Scientists' resource on "Recognizing Forests' Role in
Climate Change".

Go to www.earthscape.org to browse through the new publications, e-books on forestry, the
web resources and a video seminar exploring alternatives to slash and burn agriculture.

Please contact me with any comments, questions or suggestions.


Angela Bernhardt