ACLS New Electronic Titles
The ACLS History E-Book Project (HEB) and Rutgers University Press are pleased to
announce the cooperative publication of two new electronic titles that bring sound and
video into the electronic monograph. Through HEB the Press has issued e-versions of Fred
Nadis, "Wonder Shows: Science, Religion, and Magic on the American Stage"
(;cc=acls;idno=heb90024.0001.001;view=toc), and Krystyn Moon, "Yellowface: Creating the Chinese in American Popular Music, 1850s-1920s" (;cc=acls;idno=heb90023.0001.001;view=toc). The first incorporates several short films that document the American fascination with the wonders of science and technology. The second uses a series of complete musical performances that accompany the sheet music and analysis. Both titles include standard HEB features such as complete cross-searchability, robust XML text and annotation, enhanced image handling, related historiography and online reviews that create an interoperable network of scholarship and its
For a list of HEB's open-source XML tools and features see
Subscribers to HEB may access these complete e-books along with 1300 other titles
currently in the collection.
According to HEB project directors Eileen Gardiner and Ron Musto, "Rutgers' achievement
in this regard demonstrates how a university press, working collaboratively, can
incorporate even the most robust electronic features into a standard and predictable
workflow. ACLS congratulates Press Director Marlie Wasserman and her staff for this
breakthrough. We also thank the Scholarly Publishing Office at the University of Michigan
Library for its collaboration on the R&D for these titles."
According to Wasserman, "Thanks to hard work by authors, the Press staff, and ACLS, as
well as innovative technology, readers can now experience our books with imaginative and
captivating enhancements we once never thought possible."
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