Monday, June 26, 2006

NetLibrary July eBook of the Month

Climate Change: Turning up the Heat

Is climate change really happening and does it matter? The answer from the scientific community is a resounding yes, yet debates about the reality of
climate change and what measures to take are slowing our response.

In NetLibrary�s July eBook of the Month, leading climate researcher Barrie Pittock argues that we need to act urgently to avoid increasingly severe
climate change. Climate Change: Turning up the Heat looks at the controversy around global warming and other predicted changes, examining the
scientific basis of the changes observed to date, how they relate to natural variations and why the evidence points to larger changes later this
century. The effect of these changes on our natural systems and our lifestyles will be considerable and could include wild weather, shifts in global
ocean circulation, decreases in crop yields and sea-level rises.

Designed to increase awareness of online resources and highlight the value of your eBook collection, the July eBook of the Month is provided through
the generous support of CSIRO PUBLISHING. Don�t miss this opportunity to showcase your NetLibrary collection by sharing this comprehensive analysis
of climate change and the impacts of global warming.

Learn more at:,l4wb,58n,jt1e,azn,1spf,h4oz

�2006, NetLibrary, a division of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. 4888 Pearl East Circle, Ste. 103, Boulder, Colorado 80301. All rights