New special Reports at newsbank
Two new Special Reports are now available.
They are
. September 11, 2001- Fifth Anniversary . National Hispanic Heritage Month
The September 11, 2001 Report includes the original articles covering that day and its
aftermath plus coverage of related issues and events over the past five years.
The content covers
. chronological events of that day, five years ago
. clean-up and recovery
. the investigation
. rebuilding
. impact on the world
The September 11, 2001 - Fifth Anniversary site was designed to provide full coverage of
the events of this day along with articles to research the issues that developed as a
result of the terrorist attacks.
The Hispanic Heritage Report is designed to support your study of the observance of this
national month September 15-October 15.
The site contains both current and historical information organized into topical areas
with both English and Spanish articles
The content covers
. culture
. historical figures and leaders
. important issues and events
. global culture and perspectives
Articles have been included for their relevance to the topics and their various
perspectives. This site is an excellent resource for tracing the history of Hispanics
and learning about their contributions to the world in politics, sports, education, the
arts, etc.
Both sites include related images, maps, search terms and websites for further coverage
of the topics.
All articles are easily accessed and can be printed or e-mailed from within the site.
All sites are accessible at along with your NewsBank products.
In addition to these two new Reports, others currently featured are
. World Geography
. Natural Disasters Around the World
. Conflict and Terrorism Around the World
Other Reports are available by clicking on the "View All Special Report" link under these
titles on your product menu page.
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