New BioOne Content
We are pleased to report that the following journal content is now available on the site
for BioOne.1. We continue to digitize the associated special issues, supplements, and
monographs, and will be making the material available to you and your user communities as
soon as possible.
Economic Botany, supplement to volume 58
Wildlife Bulletin 2004 & 2005 issues. The journal will continue to be published quarterly.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia -- volume 155
Coleopterists Bulletin
vol. 57 monograph 2 (noted as sp2)
vol 59 monograph 3 (noted as sp3)
vol 59 monograph 4 (noted as sp4)
Northeastern Naturalist
vol 8 sp1
vol 11 sp2
vol 12 sp3
vol 13 monograph 1 (will be noted as monograph 1)
Southeastern Naturalist
vol 5 monograph 1 (will be noted monograph 1)
Additionally, effective after the final issues of 2006, the publishers of the Biology of
Reproductionand Photochemistry and Photobiology will no longer add new content to BioOne.
In accordance with BioOne policy, content currently hosted on BioOne for these two
journals--issues published from 2000 through 2006--will remain in the database. As of
January 1, 2007, the Biology of Reproduction will be available only through HighWire
Press, and Photochemistry and Photobiology will be published by Blackwell Publishing.
Kindly contact the respective societies or new publisher regarding access to 2007 content.
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