New in ARTstor
* What's new in ARTstor *
*Native American ledger drawings *
This collection consists of high resolution images of approximately
2,000 Plains Indian "ledger drawings." Plains Indian ledger drawings,
mostly produced in the middle to late decades of the 19th century,
represent an important indigenous artistic tradition of great and
increasing interest to art historians and other scholars. [more...]
*Additional Works from the Clark Art Institute*
ARTstor just released 281 new images of art works from the collections
of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. These new images
complement the collection we announced just over one year ago, and it
includes revisions to the data that accompanied the previous release.
To locate the images of art works from the Clark Art Institute, select
Image Gallery on the ARTstor welcome page, then select Sterling
and Francine Clark Art Institute.
* Tools & Tips *
*Larger Downloads*
We are pleased to announce the release of larger downloads for
approximately 100,000 images in the ARTstor digital library. This new
download capacity is part of ARTstors ongoing effort to facilitate
broad access to digital images for teaching and scholarship. Users
will be permitted to download large images (many at 1024 pixels on the
long side) for use in classroom presentations and for other
noncommercial, educational uses in a variety of software environments.
[more ]
* Upcoming Collections *
*ARTstor Collaboration with ART on FILE*
ARTstor and ART on FILE have now reached an agreement to digitize, at
very high resolution, the entire ART on FILE archive of images. ART on
FILE[9] is a preeminent source of high quality teaching images of
contemporary architecture and public art. Produced by photographers
Rob Wilkinson and Colleen Chartier, ART on FILE images are have
appeared in most national and international design magazines, text
books and newspaper journals throughout the world. [more ]
*Documenting the Art and Architecture of Korea*
ARTstor will digitize and distribute the unique Strom Archive of the
art and architecture of Korean Buddhist monasteries. The Strom Archive
consists primarily of photographs of South Korean Buddhist temple and
monastery painting from the Choson Period (1392-1910). [more [11]]
*ARTstor Sponsors Guide to Best Practices for the use of Quick Time
Virtual Reality (QTVR)*
ARTstor, in partnership with the Society of Architectural Historians,
is pleased to announce its sponsorship of a forthcoming Guide to Best
Practice for the use of Quick Time Virtual Reality (QTVR) in
documenting archaeological, architectural and other cultural heritage
sites. The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
(IATH) at the University of Virginia is coordinating the production of
this much-needed guide. [more ]
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