New in ARTstor
* New addition to the ARTstor Digital Library: Detroit Institute of
the Arts *
We are pleased to announce the inclusion of more than 1,700 images
from the Detroit Institute of the Arts in ARTstor. These join the
approximately 100,000 images from the former AMICO Library now
available through ARTstor. The Detroit Institute of the Arts is home
to some 60,000 works of art, collectively constituting a survey of
human creativity from prehistory through the 21st century. The DIAs
collection is particularly strong in European painting, Italian
Renaissance sculpture, French decorative art, African art, American
painting, and Islamic textiles.
Among the DIAs highlights that are now available in ARTstor are Fra
Angelicos Annunciatory Angel and Virgin Annunciate of 1450/1455, as
well as the same artists slightly earlier Madonna and Child; Pieter
Bruegel the Elders The Wedding Dance; Jacob van Ruisdaels The Jewish
Cemetery; and the first van Gogh painting to enter a U.S. museum, the
Self Portrait of 1887.
To browse these images, please click on Image Gallery on the ARTstor
Welcome Page and then select Detroit Institute of the Arts.
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