Friday, October 27, 2006

Books In Print Enhancements

Over the past few months, we have been working to bring you improvements to that will positively affect the speed, stability, and currency of your database subscription. Bowker has implemented a new search engine that has resulted in increased speed*, fewer interruptions, and increased timeliness of content.

Increased Speed: The average search time is an average of three seconds, which is a 116% increase in speed over the old search engine.**

Stability: With the new search engine, can handle a greater variety and quantity of data, meaning fewer service interruptions and increased productivity.

Currency of Content: With our new collection process, we will be providing you access to new content sooner. This new process reduces the time for updated content to be reflected on the website from an average of six days to an average of two days.

These enhancements are the direct result of feedback from our customers. As we continue to improve, please feel free to offer us your comments and suggestion on how we can better serve you, your library, and your patrons. Please offer direct feedback to Product Manager John Krafty by e-mailing

Please take a moment to forward this to all of your colleagues who use Encourage all users of the product to sign-up for the customer mailing list so they too can stay up-to-date on their Subscription.