Tuesday, November 28, 2006

STAT-USA Enhancements

STAT-USA has made a few changes to STAT-USA/Internet and USA Trade Online
in an effort to enhance the merchandise trade data available to users.

On the STAT-USA/Internet site, we have added the individual "exhibits" of
the U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services FT900 report.

On both services, we've made the Bureau of the Census' cross-classification
tables available. This lets you find out what Harmonized System numbers
correspond to a given SITC, North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS), or End Use code number.

Finally, we've posted the 2007 Calendar of Releases. This lets you know
when merchandise trade, as well as all other major economic indicators,
will be posted in 2007.

To read the complete article about these changes, please click on