Tuesday, December 12, 2006

CLS History E-Book Project Reaches 500 Subscribers

The ACLS History E-Book Project (HEB) (http://www.historyebook.org) recently passed the 500-mark for institutional subscribers, adding The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, Camosun College in Victoria, BC, and a group of universities from the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries (NAAL).

According to Dr. Sue Medina, director of NAAL, "Alabama academic librarians value participation in the ACLS History E-Book Project. The vision of the learned societies has resulted in a high-quality digital collection documenting historical scholarship. These high-quality historical books support instruction for our core curricula as well as advanced scholarship. Most important, as education increasingly uses technology to deliver instruction and support independent research, these resources are available at our library users' convenience, from their own workstations, anytime of the day. Alabama academic institutions are also pleased that the collection has been kept affordable through the generous support of ACLS and its partners."

HEB -- a cross-searchable collection available for simultaneous, multi-user access --currently includes over 1400 books, chosen by historians, in all areas of history. For information e-mail info@hebook.org.