Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New title in BioOne

ioOne is pleased to announce that journal content for Ornithological
Monographs is available on the site for BioOne.1.

Journal Name: Ornithological Monographs

Publisher: The American Ornithologists' Union

Print ISSN: 0078-6594

Frequency: Three times per year

The Ornithological Monographs series was established for major papers and
presentations too long for inclusion in The Auk. All materials in this
monograph may be copied for noncommercial purposes of educational or
scientific advancement.

Founded in 1883 (and fast approaching its 125th anniversary), The American
Ornithologists' Union is the oldest organization devoted to the scientific
study of birds. Its members have created the scientific foundation for
ornithology and bird conservation. Besides professional ornithologists,
the organization welcomes students, conservationists, birders and others
who appreciate birds of the world.