CSA Tech News
Tech News: Social Sciences
Recent References Related to the Social Sciences
Due to technical problems, the Recent References Related to the Social Sciences feature has not been available in searching social science databases
on CSA Illumina for several months. We are happy to report that the problem has been identified and corrected.
This feature supplements CSA Illumina by providing daily updates of article citations that have not yet been included in a CSA Illumina database.
Links to full-text are also included with each citation, if available. When searching selected CSA Illumina databases, this supplemental database is
searched simultaneously, with results displayed as "Recent References Related to Social Sciences." This feature will be available by March 1, 2007.
IBSS Reloaded on CSA Illumina
The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, produced by the London School of Economics and Political Science, has been reloaded on CSA
Illumina, allowing for the display of DOIs and author affiliations. A browsable index of Descriptors is also now available and can be accessed by
clicking on the purple Search Tools tab and then on the Indexes tab. Browsing these descriptors allows you to see and select the terms that have
been used to index individual items and thus ensures precise retrieval of relevant results. Since January, the update frequency for the database has
been increased to twice a month.
PILOTS: New Database Available on CSA Illumina
The PILOTS (Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress) is now available as a complimentary database to CSA social science customers.
This bibliographic database is produced at the headquarters of the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in White River Junction,
Vermont , and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sorting of Database Names on CSA Illumina
Some users have noticed that CSA Sociological Abstracts, CSA Social Services Abstracts, CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, and CSA
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts have been appearing alphabetically under C in the Select Database view of CSA Illumina. In response to
customer suggestions, we have eliminated the CSA portion of the database name from the sort, and the databases will return to their previous
alphabetical position sorted by the first substantive word of the name (for example, CSA Sociological Abstracts will appear under S). This change
will be implemented by March 1, 2007.
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