Saturday, March 03, 2007

New at ARTstor

What’s New in ARTstor

QTVR Panoramas of World Architecture, Columbia University
Over 900 Quick Time Virtual Reality (QTVR) panoramas of world architecture from the Visual Media Center at Columbia University have been added to the ARTstor Digital Library. QTVR enables faculty and students to complement traditional side-by-side image comparisons with a mode of representation based on space and context. The panoramas range from antique sites such as the Pantheon and Domus Aurea in Rome, to important 20th century sites including Le Corbusier's Church of Notre Dame du Haut and Rem Koolhaas' Seattle Public Library. More

Brunelleschi and Ghiberti’s “competition panels” from the Bargello
ARTstor sponsored photography by Antonio Quattrone of Lorenzo Ghiberi and Filippo Brunelleschi’s “competition panels” can now be accessed through the ARTstor Digital Library. The “competition panels” are renowned relief sculptures depicting the “Sacrifice of Isaac,” created by Ghiberti and Brunelleschi in 1401-1402 in hopes of securing the commission to produce the set of Baptistery doors now known as the “Gates of Paradise.” Eighty-five color and black-and-white photographs offer a wide range of details and viewing angles. More

Tips & Tools

Personal Collections
Have you heard about ARTstor’s Personal Collections feature? Personal Collections allow instructor-level users to integrate their own personal images with those in the ARTstor Digital Library. Through Personal Collections, instructors can use their own images alongside ARTstor images - viewing, searching, saving them into groups, and sharing them with students and colleagues. More

Export ARTstor Citations to RefWorks
Do you use RefWorks to manage your citations and create bibliographies? ARTstor users can now export citations directly to RefWorks, in addition to EndNote, ProCite and Reference Manager. More