CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics & ENGnetBase available Online
The library is pleased to announce that Sweet Briar faculty and students
now have access to to new databases throughh our participation in the
Virtual Library of Virginia. CRC Press is a leading technical and
professional publisher and we now have access to the CRC Handbook of
Chemistry and Physics and to ENGnetBase, a database of engineering
works. The full current ENGnetBase title list is in the attached Excel
*The URL for the *CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is
Now corresponding to the 85th edition in content, this new version
enables quick and easy access to everything the Handbook has to offer.
Whether you want to browse through the Table of Contents or search for a
specific piece of data, you'll be sure to find what you were
looking for, and more quickly than ever before.
*Outstanding features of the 85th edition:*
* Continues to be the most accurate, reliable, and current resource
available on data needed by chemists, physicists, and engineers
* Provides wide coverage of data on properties of inorganic and
organic compounds
* Includes six important new tables and extensive updates and
expansion of many others
* Incorporates the latest CODATA/NIST values for fundamental
physical constants and the new IUPAC standards for the pH scale
for aqueous solutions
New tables
1. Index of Refraction of Inorganic Crystals
2. Azeotropic Data for Binary Mixtures
3. Critical Solution Temperatures of Polymer Solutions
4. Density of Solvents as a Function of Temperature
By popular request, several tables omitted from recent editions are
back, including *Coefficients of Friction* and *Miscibility of Organic
Solvents*. Ten other sections have been substantially revised, with
some, such as the *Table of the Isotopes* and *Thermal Conductivity of*
*Liquids,* significantly expanded. The *Fundamental Physical Constants*
section has been updated with the latest CODATA/NIST values, and the
Mathematical Tables appendix now features several new sections covering
topics that include orthogonal polynomials, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients,
and statistics.
*and the URL for *ENGnetBASE is:
The database provides access to the full range of CRC Handbooks related
to Engineering and also provides useful works for other scientific
disciplines. Works related to the environment, computing, physics,
chemistry will make this a useful resource to many in the Sweet Briar
John G. Jaffe
Director of Libraries & Integrated Learning Resources
Sweet Briar College VOICE: 434 381 6139
Sweet Briar, VA 24595 FAX: 434 381 6173
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