Enhancement to Books in Print
Dear GlobalBooksInPrint.com Subscriber,
Bowker is pleased to announce the July 2005 enhancements to GlobalBooksInPrint.com.
As a reminder - you can further familiarize yourself with these, and many other enhancements, by signing up for a complimentary remote training session. Choose a date and time that best fits your schedule. Train alone or with a group, right from your personal computer. Visit www.BowkerSupport.com to sign up!
Overview of enhancements in this message:
**ISBN-13 is Here!
**Lists - Made Easier
**Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Linking
**Book Collection Analysis Tools for Libraries
1. ISBN-13 is Here!
In order to accommodate the growing number of books being published each year (last year alone more than 195,000 new titles and editions were published), beginning January 1, 2007, all 10-digit International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) will be converted to new 13-digit ISBNs.
As the United States ISBN Agency, Bowker is excited to introduce the new 13-digit ISBNs into GlobalBooksInPrint.com. You will now be able to search by both the 13-digit ISBN and the 10-digit ISBN (either with or without hyphens). Additionally, the ISBN-13 will appear on the full description page for every title with an ISBN-10. If you accidentally type in a 13-digit ISBN that is not valid, BooksInPrint.com will automatically alert you of this error.
For helpful links about the ISBN-13 transition and new screenshots of GlobalBooksInPrint.com, please visit: http://www.bowkersupport.com/isbn13/
2. Lists - Made Easier
You spoke. We listened. Based on customer feedback, we have improved the process of adding items to a list. Once you create a new list, that list name is maintained in the list name drop down box for you to choose from the next time you click “Add to List”. These settings are maintained until changed by the user or until the user logs out. There is no more searching for your list every time you want to add records to an existing list.
3. Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Linking
Through BooksInPrint.com you can now quickly and easily clear copyright permissions as you search for bibliographic information about specific books, journals and other copyrighted material. Simply select the “get permission” link featured on the Full Description (just beneath the blue tabs) and you will be taken to the appropriate permission service page on copyright.com. User and bibliographic information is automatically transferred from Bowker applications to copyright.com, eliminating the need to re-enter information or conduct another title search.
You can also limit your search (in the Advanced Search Screen) to only those items available through Copyright Clearance Center. Please follow this link to read the press release: http://www.copyright.com/ccc/do/viewPage?pageCode=au107
4. Book Collection Analysis Tools
Exciting new partnerships with H.W. Wilson and ACRL have allowed Bowker to develop Bowker's Book Analysis System - a collection development tool that will allow a qualitative analysis of your holdings without laborious, manual comparisons. This week, Bowker debuted the school and public library version which will compare your holdings against the H.W. Wilson Standard Catalogs and provide you with reports (drilled down to the thousands section of the Dewey Decimal classification) that you can use to identify gaps and duplicates within your collection. For more information, visit www.BowkersBookAnalysis.com.
As always, these enhancements will also be posted on BowkerSupport.com.
Thank you for being a Bowker customer!
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