APA Posts Thesaurus Update and 2005 Terms
The comprehensive update of 2005 changes to the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms
has been posted on the APA website. Please go to
http://www.apa.org/psycinfo/products/thesaurus.html for complete information or directly
to the full list at http://www.apa.org/psycinfo/products/thesaurus_full_list.pdf.
This year’s update includes more than 200 changes. These changes include new postable
and nonpostable (“used for”) terms, hierarchy changes, terms status changes, scope
note additions, and term deletions. To ensure comprehensive search results, all new
terms were mapped back to nearly 16,000 PsycINFO records from the past 10 years. If you
have any questions regarding the Thesaurus or would like to suggest terms to be included,
please contact Lisa Gallagher Tuleya, LTuleya@apa.org.
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