Thursday, August 17, 2006

ACLS History E-Book Project 8th Year

The ACLS History E-Book Project has just begun it's 8th year. We have been
self-sustaining for 16 months and we're writing to bring you an update.

New Titles:
The project will be adding 130 titles this fall and will then include 1397 titles --
almost 280% growth since launch in 2002. Areas currently include: African, American,
Asian, Australasian/Oceanian, Byzantine, European, Latin American, Native Peoples of the
Americas, and World/Comparative history. An updated set of MARC records are being
prepared and we will send a notification when they are available for download.

Price Increase:
The project will have a moderate price increase beginning on September 1. Subscribing
before September 1 will lock in the current prices for 3 years. All subscriptions have a
3-year price guarantee.
New rates can be found at:

New Areas:
The Project is now developing collections in legal and economic history, women's
studies, art history and archaeology, history methods and theory.