Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ARTstor and Erich Lessing Archives

* New Addition to the ARTstor Digital Library: High Resolution Images
of Key Works of World Art from the Erich Lessing Archives *

ARTstor recently formed a collaboration with Art Resource and Erich
Lessing Culture and Fine Arts Archives (Vienna, Austria). Through this
collaboration, ARTstor will make available approximately 10,000 high
quality images of world art and architecture, with a special dual
focus on 1) key artists of the major European schools and 2) the
collections of the major European museums outside Italy, including the
leading art museums of Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, the
Netherlands, and Spain. These images, on average 120 megabytes in
size, have been scanned from large format (4x5" or 8x10") color
transparencies made by Erich Lessing in the course of a distinguished
career spanning several decades of photographic campaigns around the

The first fruits of this collaboration are now available to ARTstor
users. They include nearly 300 high quality images of key works of art
and architecture frequently consulted by ARTstor users. These works
range from the Venus of Willendorff and to Giotto's Arena Chapel
frescoes, and from the Mona Lisa to paintings by Edgar Degas in the
Musee d'Orsay.

For a list of some of the masterpieces of world art now available from
the Lessing Archives, please see

To browse these new ARTstor images, please click on “Image Gallery” on
the ARTstor “welcome page” and then select “Art, Archaeology and
Architecture from Erich Lessing Culture and Fine Arts Archives.” Or
simply search the keyword phrase “Erich Lessing.”

Please note that we have "clustered" many of these superior images
with other ARTstor images that depict the same works of art or offer
details of those works. For an example of this clustering process,
through which we are striving to help ARTstor users find the optimal
image of a given work of art as well as related detailed views, please
search for "Donatello David"