What's New in ARTstor
What’s New in ARTstor
Images from “Eyes of the Nation: A Visual History of the United States”
ARTstor is pleased to announce that 2,000 images from the Library of Congress “Eyes of the Nation” collection are now available through the ARTstor Digital Library. This collection provides a pictorial overview of American history and includes prints, posters, maps, manuscript pages, photographs, design, movie stills, and cartoons.
More: http://www.artstor.org/info/news/eyes_nation_announce.jsp
Additional images added to the Islamic Art and Architecture collection
We have released approximately 1,600 additional images to the Islamic Art and Architecture collection. This latest release focuses on Ottoman architecture in Turkey and brings the total number of images in this collection to over 10,000.
More: http://www.artstor.org/info/news/content_islamic_announce.jsp
Additional images from the Erich Lessing Culture and Fine Arts Archives
ARTstor has released approximately 1,400 additional images from the Erich Lessing Culture and Fine Arts Archives. These high quality images, scanned from large format color transparencies, focus on key European artists and collections from major European museums outside Italy.
More: http://www.artstor.org/info/news/new_lessing_announce.jsp
Tips & Tools
Discover ARTstor through CSA Illumina
ARTstor participants that also use ProQuest CSA can now discover ARTstor content through the CSA Illumina platform. CSA Discovery Links allow researchers and students to link out and discover alternative content related to their research. Libraries can now include ARTstor results within the Discovery Links window to enhance discovery of ARTstor content.
More: http://www.artstor.org/info/news/tips_csa_announce.jsp
Contact ARTstor
Please contact User Services with any questions about the content of this announcement or about ARTstor in general.
Email: userservices@artstor.org
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