Monday, October 31, 2005

New Issues at Project Muse

African Studies Review
Volume 48, Number 2, September 2005

Children's Literature Association Quarterly
Volume 30, Number 2, Fall 2005

Early American Literature
Volume 40, Number 3, 2005

French Colonial History
Volume 6, 2005

Hispanic Review
Volume 73, Number 4, Autumn 2005

Journal of American Folklore
Volume 118, Number 470, Fall 2005

Journal of Asian American Studies
Volume 8, Number 3, October 2005

Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
Volume 21, Number 2, Fall 2005

The Journal of Speculative Philosophy
Volume 19, Number 3, 2005 (New Series)

Journal of the History of Ideas
Volume 66, Number 3, July 2005

Libraries & Culture
Volume 40, Number 3, Summer 2005

Volume 120, Number 4, September 2005 (French Issue)

Philosophy East and West
Volume 55, Number 4, October 2005

Research in African Literatures
Volume 36, Number 4, Winter 2005

Victorian Studies
Volume 47, Number 3, Spring 2005

Sunday, October 30, 2005

National American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month

A Special Report focusing on the Heritage of American Indians and Alaskan Natives is now available.

National American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month is celebrated annually in November to recognize the intertribal cultures and to educate the public about the heritage, history, art, and traditions of the American Indian and Alaska Native people.

The tradition dates back to the early 1900s when there was an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the First Americans made to establishing and growing the United States.

Many individuals contributed to the first celebrations. Initially, the Boy Scouts set aside a day each year to recognize the First Americans. Many state governments presented endorsements to the White House in an effort to have a proclamation issued.

Later, several states designated a day for their state to celebrate these people. However, there was no official day that covered the entire country until 1990 when President George H.W. Bush approved a joint resolution designating November as National American Indian Heritage Month.

NewsBank’s Special Report is designed to support this month’s celebration. The Site includes current and retrospective perspectives on the contributions and issues of these people. All articles are easily accessed and can be printed or e-mailed from within the site. New articles are added daily.

Numerous images with captions and maps are included to further enhance the coverage.

Suggested search terms to help locate additional information in your NewsBank products are listed to encourage further research.

The National American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month Report, like all others, is available in our new format that provides easier navigation of the articles, images, maps, suggested search terms and web links.

NewsBank has always been committed to providing libraries with the best coverage of important issues and events through its products and Special Reports. Currently featured are Reports on Rosa Parks, Natural Disasters, and Iraq. All Reports are now visible on your product menu page or from within your product search screen.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


This month, Earthscape highlights educational materials on earthquakes and natural
hazards. An e-seminar from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory entitled "How
Predictable Are Natural Disasters?" is offered to all subscribers. We've added several
papers from American Rivers and the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development,
Environment, and Security exploring the health of our rivers and quality of our water.
The 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index from CIESIN is included, as well as their
analysis of Natural Disaster Hotspots.

Recent Additions to ARTstor

* Recent additions to the ARTstor Digital Library *

We are delighted to announce the addition of the following new image
archives to the ARTstor Digital Library. Both archives deal with
essential aspects of the human experience and they should be of
interest to a wide range of scholars and teachers. These archives have
been integrated into the Image Gallery.


* Images from Vesalius’ Renaissance treatise on human anatomy *

One of the most valued digital collections at Northwestern University
is a web site devoted to Andreas Vesalius’ pioneering treatise on
human anatomy, entitled On the Fabric of the Human Body (De humani
corporis fabrica; first published in 1543). Thanks to Professor Daniel
Garrison, Professor of Classics at Northwestern, we are delighted to
be able to make available to ARTstor users 275 high resolution images
of the anatomical illustrations from Vesalius’ great treatise. These
woodcut illustrations became the fundamental basis of medical art and
illustration for generations to come and helped enable Vesalius’
treatise to transform the subject of human anatomy throughout the
western world. These images, with their associated scholarly
information, will greatly enhance ARTstor’s value to scholars and
teachers working in a range of fields, from the history of art and
medicine to the study of attitudes toward and visual representations
of “the body” in early modern culture.

For the Northwestern University Vesalius web site please see

To locate these images and other images related to Vesalius in
ARTstor, search the keyword VESALIUS.


* The Farber Gravestone Collection *

One of the most highly prized photographic archives at the American
Antiquarian Society is the photographic archive known to Americanists
as Farber Gravestone Collection. Containing more than 13,500 images
documenting in great detail the sculpture on more than 9,000 early
American grave markers, mostly made prior to 1800, the archive is
especially strong for central and southern New England, with selective
coverage of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The collection further
includes selected images of gravestones from the Middle Atlantic and
southeastern United States, the Maritime Provinces of Canada, and
Great Britian.

These early gravestone sculptures are both a significant form of
artistic creation – the earliest coherent body of American sculpture –
and provide a wealth of biographical information, such as name, death
date of the deceased, stone location, and information concerning the
stone material, iconography, the inscription, and (when known) the
carver. The photographs are of such high quality that individual
“hands” (carvers) may be identified even when a given sculptor is
anonymous. As Harriet Merrifield Forbes noted in her study on
gravestones, "The colonists used their finest skill and raised their
most enduring and characteristic works of art in memento mori." In
recent years, however, these storehouses have been endangered by
vandalism, natural erosion (hastened by air pollution), and theft.

The late Daniel Farber of Worcester, Massachusetts, and his wife,
Jessie Lie Farber, were responsible for the largest portion of the
collection. We are most grateful to the American Antiquarians Society
for sharing this wonderful resource through ARTstor.

To locate these images in ARTstor, search the keyword FARBER. These
images, along with related images in the Image Gallery, may be found
under subject headings such as TOMBSTONES or FUNERARY SCULPTURE.

Monday, October 24, 2005

NewsBank Hot Topic

Current Events
Environment – Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Mudslides and More
Topic: Several natural disasters have occurred throughout the world recently making scientists wonder what is happening to our earth. Where were these natural disasters? Are any predictable? How can people prepare for them? What is being done to help the people in these areas?
Search: disasters AND disaster relief

Health – Bird Flu
Topic: A close watch is being kept on bird flu in many countries? What is bird flu? What is the risk to humans?
Search: avian influenza

International – Iraq’s Constitution
Topic: The Iraqi people recently voted on their new Constitution. What was the outcome? What will now happen as a result of this vote?.
Search: Iraq and Constitution

Social Studies Research Topics
Civics, Government and Politics – Supreme Court Appointments & Nominees
Topic: Two vacancies have occurred on the Supreme Court recently. What are the reasons for these openings? One position has been filled. Who filled that seat? Who has been nominated to fill the remaining seat?
Search: nominations and appointments AND U.S. Supreme Court

Education - Literacy
Topic: A recent United Nations study has concluded that the current generation of young people ages 15 to 24 are the best educated in history but 130 million youths are still illiterate. What are the reasons for this trend? How does the literacy rate differ by country?
Search: (quality of education AND research) OR (literacy AND rates)

Economics – Energy Costs
Topic: A survey of industry executives has revealed that energy costs were responsible for a rising inflation during September. It is predicted that costs will probably continue to rise. What are the reasons for this continuing rise in costs? What can be done to lower them?
Search: gasoline AND prices AND economic impact

Crime and Law – U.S. Supreme Court Decisions
Topic: The Supreme Court has the authority to decide what cases it will or won’t hear. How do they determine which they will hear? What are some recent cases that they did hear? What ones were rejected?
Search: Supreme Court decisions

Social Issues – Stem Cell Creation
Topic: Stem cell creation and research is surrounded by many ethical issues. Scientists may have found a new way of creating embryonic stem cells. Will this discovery resolve the ethical issues?
Search: stem cells

Science and Health Research Topics
Science and Technology – Supersonic Aircraft
Topic: Japan recently tested a supersonic aircraft. How did the test go? Have there been other tests of this kind of airplane? What is the importance of testing supersonic planes?
Search:. supersonic aircraft

Health – Peptic Ulcers
Topic: Two Australian scientists have proven that peptic ulcers are caused by bacteria, not stress as previously thought. What is a peptic ulcer? Do they recommend anything to help prevent them?
Search: ulcers

Arts and Literature Topics
Literature - Dictionaries
Topic: Sometimes new words are added to existing dictionaries or new dictionaries on a specific subject are published. Why do these changes occur? What new words are now in the dictionary? What new dictionaries have been published?
Search: dictionaries

Performing Arts – Apple’s New iPod
Topic: Apple has announced a new version of its popular iPod. How do the new features compare with the current model?
Search: digital music players AND Apple Computer Inc.

Sports - Seasonal Sports
Topic: This time of year many sports are in full swing – baseball, football, hockey, NASCAR. What is your favorite sport?
Search: Type in your favorite sport to retrieve articles

Friday, October 21, 2005


***From the Oxford University Press:

Past & Present

Founded in 1952, Past & Present is widely acknowledged to be the liveliest and most
stimulating historical journal in the English-speaking world. The journal offers: A wide
variety of scholarly and original articles on historical, social and cultural change in
all parts of the world; Four issues a year, each containing five or six major articles
plus occasional debates and review essays; Challenging work by young historians as well
as seminal articles by internationally regarded scholars; A range of articles that appeal
to specialists and non-specialists, and communicate the results of the most recent
historical research in a readable and lively form; A forum for debate, encouraging
productive controversy; The examination of particular problems and periods as well as
wider issues of historical change.

E-ISSN: 1477-464X
Print ISSN: 0031-2749

Edited by Chris Wickham.

Included in the MUSE 2005 Full Collection, Arts & Humanities Collection, Basic Research
Collection, Basic Undergraduate Collection, and Social Sciences Collection.

For more information about the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

Saturday, October 15, 2005



***From the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia:

Studies in Bibliography

Studies in Bibliography is one of the pre-eminent journals in the fields of analytical
bibliography, textual criticism, manuscript study, and the history of printing and
publishing. Founded in 1948 by Fredson Bowers of the University of Virginia and published
annually since then, SB continues to maintain its reputation as a forum for the best
textual and bibliographical work being done anywhere in the world.

E-ISSN: 1553-3891
Print ISSN: 0081-7600

Edited by David L. Vander Meulen.

Included in the MUSE 2005 Full Collection, Arts and Humanities Collection, and Basic
Research Collection.

For more information about the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

New titles in JSTOR

Dear JSTOR Participant,

We are pleased to announce that ten new titles have been added to the JSTOR archive.
Institutions that participate in collections with new titles will be able to access the
new content immediately.

Artibus Asiae (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 1 – Vol. 59, no. 1/2 (1925-1999)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: Artibus Asiae Publishers
ISSN: 0004-3648

Artibus Asiae. Supplementum (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vols. 1 – 39 (1937-1993)
Moving Wall: 10 years
Publisher: Artibus Asiae Publishers
ISSN: 1423-0526
NOTE: No issues published 1994-1995. Vol. 40 published in 1996.

British Educational Research Journal (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
New Content: Vols. 4 – 27 (1978-2001)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
ISSN: 0141-1926

The Bryologist (Biological Sciences Collection)
New Content: Vols. 1 – 104 (1898-2001)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: American Bryological and Lichenological Society
ISSN: 0007-2745

European Journal of Education (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
New Content: Vols. 1 – 29 (1965-1994)
Moving Wall: 10 years
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing
ISSN: 0141-8211

German Studies Review (Arts & Sciences Complement)
New Content: Vols. 1 – 22 (1978-1999)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: German Studies Association
ISSN: 0149-7952

Learning Disability Quarterly (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
New Content: Vols. 1 – 25 (1978-2002)
Moving Wall: 2 years
Publisher: Council for Learning Disabilities
ISSN: 0731-9487

Leonardo Music Journal (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vols. 1 – 9 (1991-1999)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: The MIT Press
ISSN: 0961-1215

Metropolitan Museum Journal (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vols. 1 – 35 (1968-2000)
Moving Wall: 4 years
Publisher: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
ISSN: 0077-8958

Peabody Journal of Education (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vols. 1 – 72 (1923-1997)
Moving Wall: 7 years
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
ISSN: 0161-956x

One title has been updated with previously missing issues no longer missing:

Western Folklore (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
New Content: Vol. 9, no. 3 (1950);
Vol. 13, no. 2/3 (1954);
Vol. 20, no. 4 (October, 1961);
Vol. 21, no. 1 (January, 1962);
Vol. 21, no. 2 (April, 1962);
Vol. 23, no. 1 (January, 1964);
Vol. 23, no. 4 (October, 1964)
Publisher: Western States Folklore Society
ISSN: 0043-373x

One title has undergone a title change with new content released:

Population (English Edition, 2002-) (Arts & Sciences I Collection)
Previous Title: Population: An English Selection (ISSN: 1169-1018)
New Content: Vol. 57 (2002)
Publisher: Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques
ISSN: 1634-2941
NOTE: Population: An English Selection is publicly released.

Eleven previously released titles have been reworked to improve quality. The rework
process resulted in improved image quality, caption searching, and enhanced display of
non-English languages for the following titles:

African American Review (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 - 35 (1967-2001)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: St. Louis University
ISSN: 1062-4783

Callaloo (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Nos. 1 - 41 (1976-1989), Vols. 13 - 17 (1990-1994)
Fixed Wall: 1995
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
ISSN: 0161-2492

ELH (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 - 61 (1934-1994)
Fixed Wall: 1995
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
ISSN: 0013-8304

MLN (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 – 109 (1886-1994)
Fixed Wall: 1995
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
ISSN: 0026-7910

Nineteenth-Century Literature (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 – 56, No. 3 (1945-2001)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: University of California Press
ISSN: 0891-9356

Renaissance Quarterly (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 - 54 (1948-2001)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Renaissance Society of America
ISSN: 0034-4338

Representations (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Nos. 1 – 76 (1983-2001)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: University of California Press
ISSN: 0734-6018

Science (General Science Collection)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 - 3 (1880-1882); Vols. 1 - 23 (1883-1894); New Series: Vols. 1 -
286 (1895-1999)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science
ISSN: 0036-8075

Speculum (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 – 74 (1926-1999)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: Medieval Academy of America
ISSN: 0038-7134

Studies in the Renaissance (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 – 21 (1954-1974)
Note: Publication absorbed by Renaissance Quarterly in 1974.
Publisher: Renaissance Society of America
ISSN: 0081-8658

Yale French Studies (Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature Collections)
JSTOR Coverage: Nos. 1 – 102 (1948-2002)
Moving Wall: 2 years
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISSN: 0044-0078

Two previously released titles have been reworked to improve image quality of foldouts:

Geographical Journal (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 2 – 22 (1857-1878); New Monthly Series: Vols. 1 - 14 (1879-1892);
Vols. 1 – 165 (1893-1999)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the
Institute of British Geographers)
ISSN: 0016-7398

The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 – 50 (1831-1880)
Note: Publication absorbed by Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly
Record of Geography in 1880.
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the
Institute of British Geographers)
ISSN: 0266-6235

Although JSTOR seeks to provide every issue from a journal's run, on occasion there are
issues that we are unable to find. To see which issues are missing, or for information
about how to help JSTOR complete the archive, please visit JSTOR's Back Issues Needed

More detailed information about all JSTOR titles and collections can be accessed at

Delimited lists of all available JSTOR titles can be accessed at

Participation information for JSTOR collections may be found at

Should you have any questions about any of the JSTOR collections, please don't hesitate
to contact us at ( ).

Friday, October 14, 2005

ARTstor personal Collections for Instructors

* Personal Collections available in ARTstor *

We are pleased to announce the availability of ARTstor's Personal
Collection Tools. We have recognized from the outset that it is
essential to enable and facilitate the integration of ARTstor's
content with other digital content available to ARTstor users. These
Personal Collection Tools have been developed to allow individuals to
add local images into the online ARTstor environment. Once uploaded,
those images can be added to public or private image groups and used
like any other image in ARTstor.

First, here is an example of how Personal Collections can be helpful.
Professor Smith is teaching an architecture class. He has taken
several digital photographs on a recent trip to Chicago and would like
to use them for a lecture. He is aware of the ability to do that with
the Offline Image Viewer. However, Professor Smith encourages his
students to review his lectures online in ARTstor Image Groups. Unless
Professor Smith can upload his images for creating his Image Group –
the basis of his lecture – he will only be able to present his lecture
offline. Sharing his lecture through an OIV presentation file is still
possible but more difficult than directing students to the ARTstor
website to review his Image Group.

To get started, you should download and print this handout[2] with
tips for building your Personal Collection. The next time you enter
ARTstor, you will see two new links at the bottom of the “Tools” menu
in ARTstor: Personal Collection Image Upload and Personal Collection

If you do not see those links under the Tools menu, check 3 things:

- You are logged in;
- You have instructor privileges; and
- Your institutional contact has enabled Personal Collections for your

Your institutional ARTstor contact can decide when to activate
Personal Collections for your institution. You can contact them for
more information. [If you are an ARTstor contact but you do not know
how to enable Personal Collections for your institution, please contact

Use the “Personal Collection Image Upload” tool to add your images to
ARTstor. When you add an image from a local drive (be it something
scanned, purchased, or taken with a digital camera), the image file is
uploaded to the remote ARTstor server and a derivative image file that
allows you to zoom in on the image (like any other ARTstor image) is
created in FPX format. Original images can be uploaded in any of the
following image formats: JPG / JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, or PNG.

The upload screens include disclaimers to inform you of your
responsibilities in selecting and posting content and will indicate
that neither ARTstor, nor the institution with which you are
affiliated, will be screening such content and therefore can not take
responsibility for it.

The original uploaded file is then discarded, since our keeping it
would (depending upon the size of the file) begin to represent a
significant amount of storage space. If you decide to save/download
your uploaded images out of ARTstor, the image will be exported in jpg
format at the original dimensions. (These images will not be
restricted to the 400 pixel maximum; if a 1600 x 1600 pixel image is
uploaded, a 1600 x 1600 pixel JPG will be available for download.)

Please note that in order to save Personal Collection images into an
OIV presentation, you must be using the most recent version of the OIV
software, version 2.0. OIV derivatives are created hourly and can be
downloaded into OIV 2.0 an hour or two after uploading new images.

Each time you log in, you will now see a "My Personal Collection"
listed after the other ARTstor Collections in the ARTstor Library.
This Collection can be searched, opened and browsed just like other
ARTstor collections; but it is visible only to you for browsing and –
if you choose – the rest of your institution for searching.

There are two levels of security for Personal Collection images:
limited access and institutional access. Each image is assigned a
limited access security level by default. Access levels can be altered
on an image-by-image basis. Here are the definitions for both levels
of security.

Limited access:

- Only a search by the creator will retrieve the image
- Only the creator can save the image into an Image Group
- Only the creator can download a copy of the image
- Only the creator can print a copy of the image
- Only the creator can save the image into an OIV presentation
- All other users can view the image when saved in an Image Group to
which they have access

Institutional access:

- A search by any institutional user will retrieve the image
- All institutional users can save the image into an Image Group
- All institutional users can download a copy of the image
- All institutional users can print a copy of the image
- All institutional users can save the image into an OIV presentation

Use the “Personal Collection Administration” tool to manage your
uploaded images. You can catalog uploaded images here and sort them
into topics for browsing.

This capacity is currently limited to users with Instructor
Privileges. You will receive 500MB of Personal Collection space for
your images. (500MB could potentially store up to 2000 image files –
depending on the image resolution.)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

New Issues in Project Muse

We are pleased to announce the addition of the following new issues
to the Muse database:

Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
Volume 5, 2005

American Journal of Mathematics
Volume 127, Number 5, October 2005

American Journal of Philology
Volume 126, Number 3 (Whole Number 503), Fall 2005

Volume 28, Number 3, Summer 2005

Volume 46, Number 4, Fall 2004

Eighteenth-Century Life
Volume 29, Number 3, Fall 2005

History in Africa
Volume 32, 2005

Human Biology
Volume 77, Number 4, August 2005

The Journal of General Education
Volume 54, Number 2, 2005

Journal of the History of Philosophy
Volume 39, Number 4, October 2001

Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
Volume 6, Number 3, Summer 2005

Volume 38, Number 5, October 2005

Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
Volume 8, Number 4, Fall 2005

Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
Volume 51, Number 3, July 2005

MFS Modern Fiction Studies
Volume 51, Number 3, Fall 2005

Monumenta Nipponica
Volume 60, Number 3, Autumn 2005

Sirena: poesia, arte y critica

Small Axe
Number 18 (Volume 9, Number 2), September 2005

Southeastern Geographer
Volume 45, Number 2, November 2005

Studies in Philology
Volume 102, Number 4, Fall 2005

Theory & Event
Volume 8, Issue 3, 2005

Wicazo Sa Review
Volume 20, Number 2, Fall 2005

NetLibrary eBook of the Month

October eBook of the Month:
The Sacred Neuron: Extraordinary New Discoveries Linking Science and Religion

Why do we think that some things are beautiful, and others ugly? Why do we think that some things are good, and others evil? Why do we think that
some things are true, and others false? These are questions that have puzzled thinkers for millennia. In the past they have been answered by
separating our emotional from our rational responses. But recent scientific research suggests that the questions now deserve very different answers.

In his fascinating and original new book, John Bowker shows from this research that reason and emotion work much more closely together in forming
human opinions and judgments than has previously been supposed. His argument that faith and belief can be rooted in reason has stunning implications
for the increasingly dangerous relationship between different religions and cultures, and also for our understanding of the meaning of 'God'.

Designed to increase awareness of online resources and highlight the value of your eBook collection, the October eBook of the Month is provided
through the generous support of I.B. Tauris Publishers. Don't miss this unique opportunity to showcase your NetLibrary collection by sharing this
in-depth exploration of science and religion.

Learn more at:,fkkn,58n,1w81,h9sl,1spf,h4oz

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


***From the African Studies Association:

History in Africa

History In Africa: A Journal of Method focuses on historiographical and methodological
concerns and publishes textual analysis and criticism, historiographical essays,
bibliographical essays, archival reports and articles on the role of theory and
non-historical data in historical investigation. David Henige of the University of
Wisconsin edits History In Africa. Published Annually.

E-ISSN: 1558-2744
Print ISSN: 0361-5413

Edited by David Henige.

Included in the MUSE 2005 Full Collection and Social Sciences Collection.

For more information about the journal:

For the Table of Contents: