NewsBank Enhancements
Greetings Librarians: NewsBank, inc. is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of
several enhancements that will improve the functionality of the following products:
Access World News, America's Newspapers, Hometown News and Armed Services & Government
News. In addition to offering your library more customization options, these new
enhancements will provide your students and patrons with an improved interface and more
advanced search capabilities. The enhancements will include:
Spanish-Language Interface
Users of NewsBank newspaper products will be able to choose between two versions of the
interface, one in English and the other in Spanish. This choice will also be available to
users of Acceda Noticias, NewsBank's Spanish-language news module. Ideal for Spanish
speakers and users learning Spanish or English as a second language, this enhancement
will go "live" at 8:00 a.m. (EST) on Tuesday, January 3, 2006.
Keywords-in-Context for Search Results
Users will have the option to view highlighted keywords within the text of articles
retrieved by their searches. Also, NewsBank will offer users three options for viewing
their search results: (1) by headline, (2) by the first paragraph or (3) by the context
of articles in which keywords appear. Each of these options can be set as the default for
your library's account. Please contact NewsBank Customer Services if you would like to
change your default preference.
Spell Checking & Correction
NewsBank's search engine will enable users to easily discover and fix misspellings in
their search terms. The search engine will suggest corrections to misspelled words and
phrases, which users can quickly accept before executing their searches. This unique
feature is offered only by NewsBank.
Keywords-in-context and spell checking enhancements will go live at 8:00 a.m. (EST),
Monday, January 16, 2006.
NewsBank strives to provide market-leading products, the best customer service and user
satisfaction. These enhancements, requiring no action on your part, are among several
ongoing initiatives designed to achieve these goals. Should you have any questions,
please contact NewsBank by calling 1.800.243.7694 (1.802.875.2397 for customers outside
the U.S.) or emailing
Thank you for your time and attention and for your continued use of NewsBank's products
and services. Sincerely, The NewsBank Customer Service Team
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