Monday, July 31, 2006

New Issues in Project Muse

We are pleased to announce the addition of the following new issues
to the Muse database:

Children's Literature Association Quarterly
Volume 31, Number 2, Summer 2006

The Contemporary Pacific
Volume 18, Number 2, Fall 2006

27.1, Winter 2005

Essays in Criticism
Volume 56, Number 3, July 2006

Global Environmental Politics
Volume 6, Number 3, August 2006

Hastings Center Report
Volume 36, Number 4, July-August 2006

The Journal of Aesthetic Education
Volume 40, Number 2, Summer 2006

Journal of Modern Literature
Volume 29, Number 3, Winter 2006

Journal of Policy History
Volume 18, Number 3, 2006

Late Imperial China
Volume 27, Number 1, June 2006

Modern Drama
Volume 49, Number 2, Summer 2006

Pacific Science
Volume 60, Number 4, October 2006

Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
Volume 49, Number 3, Summer 2006

Small Axe
Number 20 (Volume 10, Number 2), September 2006

Studies in American Indian Literatures
Volume 18, Number 2, Summer 2006

Texas Studies in Literature and Language
Volume 48, Number 2, Summer 2006

Victorian Periodicals Review
Volume 39, Number 2, Summer 2006

Friday, July 28, 2006

Recent Updates at JSTOR

JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization responsible for preserving and extending access as broadly as possible to an archive of important scholarly journals.

Dear JSTOR Participant,

We are pleased to announce that four new journals have been added to the JSTOR archive. Institutions that participate in collections with new journals will be able to access the new content immediately.

* Desarrollo Económico (Arts & Sciences Complement and Business II Collections) Release Content: Vols. 1 - 44 (Issue 175), 1961-2004 Moving Wall: 1 year Publisher: Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social ISSN: 0046-001x *

Higher Education (Arts & Sciences IV Collection) Release Content: Vols. 1 - 44, 1972-2002 Moving Wall: 3 years Publisher: Springer ISSN: 0018-1560 *

International Review of Education (Arts & Sciences IV Collection) Release Content: Vols. 1 - 48, 1955-2002 Moving Wall: 3 years Publisher: Springer ISSN: 0020-8566 *

The Scandinavian Journal of Economics (Arts & Sciences Complement and Business II Collections) Previous Titles: The Swedish Journal of Economics (0039-7318), Ekonomisk Tidskrift (0284-7310) Release Content: Vols. 1 - 102, 1899-2000 Moving Wall: 5 years Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Scandinavian Journal of Economics ISSN: 00347-0520

One title with a moving wall of zero has had the most recent digitized issues added:

* American Art Journal (Arts & Sciences III Collection) Release Content: Vol. 34, 2003/2004 Publisher: Kennedy Galleries, Inc. ISSN: 0002-7359

Five titles have been updated with previously missing issues no longer missing:

* American Music (Arts & Sciences III and Music Collections) New Content: Vol. 6 (Issue 1), 1988 Publisher: University of Illinois Press ISSN: 0734-4392 *

The China Quarterly (Arts & Sciences II Collection) New Content: No. 17, 1964 Publisher: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the School of Oriental and African Studies ISSN: 0305-7410 *

The Geographical Journal (Arts & Sciences II Collection) New Content: Vol. 159 (Issues 1-3), 1993 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) ISSN: 0016-7398 *

International Political Sciences Review / Revue internationale de science politique (Arts & Sciences Complement) New Content: Vol. 17 (Issue 3), 1996; Vol. 20 (Issue 1), 1999 Publisher: Sage Publications, Ltd. ISSN: 0192-5121 *

Population and Development Review (Arts & Sciences I Collection) New Content: Vol. 29 (Supplement), 2003 Publisher: Population Council ISSN: 0098-7921

By publisher request, JSTOR is reducing the moving wall for one journal:

* Middle East Report (Arts & Sciences II Collection) Release Content: Nos. 218 - 225, 2001-2002 Moving Wall: 3 years (previously 5 years) Publisher: Middle East Research and Information Project ISSN: 0899-2851

Although JSTOR seeks to provide every issue from a journal's run, on occasion there are issues that we are unable to find. To see which issues are missing, or for information about how to help JSTOR complete the archive, please visit JSTOR's Back Issues Needed page

More detailed information about all JSTOR titles and collections can be accessed at

Delimited lists of all available JSTOR titles can be accessed at

Participation information for JSTOR collections may be found at

Should you have any questions about any of the JSTOR collections, please don't hesitate to contact us at .

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Future Changes to LexisNexis

You may see news stories in next few days about the expanded alliance
between LexisNexis and EDGAR Online, Inc. For LexisNexis subscribers in
the corporate, government, and legal sectors, this will result in
expanded coverage of SEC filings and related materials, as well as
enhanced features such as hyperlinks between documents. While these
improvements will not appear in the current LexisNexis Academic service,
they will be included in the Summer 2007 release of the new LexisNexis
Academic. This is an excellent example of how the decision to move
LexisNexis Academic onto the same platform as the Nexis service will
allow academic researchers to benefit from product and content
enhancements developed for the corporate market.

For more information about the EDGAR enhancements, please see our press
release, which is posted at

August eBook of the Month

Blacked Out: Government Secrecy in the Information Age

With the recent revelations about the Bush administration's domestic surveillance programs, the issue of what governments can and cannot do to keep
secrets has been thrust directly into the spotlight. The August eBook of the Month, Blacked Out: Government Secrecy in the Information Age (Cambridge
University Press, April 2006), directly addresses the issue of government transparency during this age of global terrorism threats.

Written by Alasdair Roberts, a prominent lawyer, public policy expert, and international authority on transparency in government, Blacked Out:
Government Secrecy in the Information Age offers a comprehensive look at the global efforts to restrict secrecy and provides readers with a clearly
written guide to those areas where the battle is most intense. Drawing on cases from many different countries, Blacked Out powerfully illustrates why
transparency matters and why the struggle for openness is so difficult.

Designed to increase awareness of online resources and highlight the value of your eBook collection, the August eBook of the Month is provided
through the generous support of Cambridge University Press. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your NetLibrary collection by sharing this
engaging and timely analysis of government secrecy. Learn more at:,lqxs,58n,1w81,h9sl,1spf,h4oz

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

ACLS New Electronic Titles

The ACLS History E-Book Project (HEB) and Rutgers University Press are pleased to
announce the cooperative publication of two new electronic titles that bring sound and
video into the electronic monograph. Through HEB the Press has issued e-versions of Fred
Nadis, "Wonder Shows: Science, Religion, and Magic on the American Stage"
(;cc=acls;idno=heb90024.0001.001;view=toc), and Krystyn Moon, "Yellowface: Creating the Chinese in American Popular Music, 1850s-1920s" (;cc=acls;idno=heb90023.0001.001;view=toc). The first incorporates several short films that document the American fascination with the wonders of science and technology. The second uses a series of complete musical performances that accompany the sheet music and analysis. Both titles include standard HEB features such as complete cross-searchability, robust XML text and annotation, enhanced image handling, related historiography and online reviews that create an interoperable network of scholarship and its

For a list of HEB's open-source XML tools and features see
Subscribers to HEB may access these complete e-books along with 1300 other titles
currently in the collection.

According to HEB project directors Eileen Gardiner and Ron Musto, "Rutgers' achievement
in this regard demonstrates how a university press, working collaboratively, can
incorporate even the most robust electronic features into a standard and predictable
workflow. ACLS congratulates Press Director Marlie Wasserman and her staff for this
breakthrough. We also thank the Scholarly Publishing Office at the University of Michigan
Library for its collaboration on the R&D for these titles."

According to Wasserman, "Thanks to hard work by authors, the Press staff, and ACLS, as
well as innovative technology, readers can now experience our books with imaginative and
captivating enhancements we once never thought possible."

Monday, July 24, 2006

New Title in Project Muse

The following journal, previously announced as joining Project MUSE, is now online:

** From the Purdue University Press:

Education and Culture

Education and Culture, an international peer reviewed journal published twice
yearly by Purdue University Press, takes an

integrated view of philosophical, historical, and sociological issues in education.

Included are articles of Dewey scholarship, as well as work inspired by Dewey's many

E-ISSN: 1559-1786
Print ISSN: 1085-4908
OCLC NUMBER: Not Yet Available
Included in the following packages:
Premium Collection
Premium Collection

For more information on the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

ARTstor News

Enhancements to the Digital Library

We are pleased to announce that later this month we will be releasing several
enhancements to the ARTstor Digital Library. Metadata improvements will make it possible
to discover ARTstor content in new ways and to create more refined and efficient
searches. Additional enhancements will provide easier ways to navigate and organize
search results. Some highlights are explained below.

* Cross-collection browsing. Users will be able to browse across all
collections in the Digital Library by geography and
classification. These new options will be available from the
Welcome Page and offer new ways of discovering ARTstor content.
* Advanced search. The new advanced search will allow users to
create more specific queries that result in more accurate search
results. The advanced search will allow users to refine a search
by date or a date range, and to choose to search within specific
collections, specific geographic areas, and within object
* Sorting by date. Users will have the new option to sort search
results by date, in addition to existing sorts by creator or title
of the works.

We will also introduce changes to an expanded Personal Collections.

* Audio file upload. Instructor-level users will have the ability to
upload audio files (MP3) to their Personal Collections.

We will send an additional announcement detailing the changes when these enhancements are

Back to Top <#top>


New Version of the Offline Image Viewer

A new release of the ARTstor Offline Image Viewer (version 2.6) will be released shortly
after the enhancements to the Digital Library. The newest version of the OIV will contain
additional features and enhanced functionality that are not available in previous
versions of the software. Many of the new features are a direct result of user feedback
and recommendations.

In addition to the functionality of previous versions, the new release of the Offline
Image Viewer will include the following new features:

* Users will be able to import PowerPoint presentations directly
into the OIV, effectively translating PowerPoint presentations
into OIV presentations.
* Before importing an Image Group from ARTstor into the OIV, users
will see a preview of each image contained in that group.
* The OIV will offer more templates from which to choose when
creating slide presentations.
* New functionality for undo/redo will be added.
* The OIV 2.6 will be compatible with all new Mac computers with the
Intel Core Duo processor.
* Instructor-level users will be able to upload both local images
and OIV presentations from the OIV to their Personal Collections
in ARTstor.

We will send an announcement as soon as the OIV 2.6 is available for download.

Back to Top <#top>


ARTstor Releasing OIV Basic

In mid-August, ARTstor will release a freeware version of the OIV software, OIV Basic.
Users at non-participating institutions that wish to use the OIV for creating and
presenting image-based presentations using local content will be able to download and use
OIV Basic. OIV Basic will have all the functionality of the full OIV including importing
local images, zooming into images during presentation modes, creating slides from images,
and printing, but will not allow users to download high-resolution ARTstor images. OIV
Basic will be available for download from ARTstor's public website. We will send an
announcement when it is available for download.

Friday, July 21, 2006

3 New Titles in Project Muse

***From the University of Toronto Press:

Journal of Canadian Studies
The mandate of the Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d'tudes canadiennes is first, to publish the best scholarship about Canadian history, culture and society, whether the researcher is junior or senior, living in Canada or abroad; and second, to serve as a vehicle for disseminating solid, original research about Canada that falls between the cracks of more narrowly defined journals.

E-ISSN: 1911-0251
Print ISSN: 0021-9495

Included in the MUSE 2006 Premium Collection.

For more information about the journal:


For the Table of Contents:


***From the Purdue University Press:

Education and Culture
Education and Culture, an international peer reviewed journal published twice yearly by Purdue University Press, takes an integrated view of philosophical, historical, and sociological issues in education. Included are articles of Dewey scholarship, as well as work inspired by Deweys many interests.

E-ISSN: 1559-1786
Print ISSN: 1085-4908

Edited by A.G. Rud.

Included in the MUSE 2006 Premium Collection.

For more information about the journal:


For the Table of Contents:


***From University of Toronto Press:

Eighteenth Century Fiction publishes articles in both English and French on all aspects of imaginative prose in the period 17001800, but will also examine papers on late 17th-century or early 19th-century fiction, particularly when the works are discussed in connection with the eighteenth century.

E-ISSN: 1911-0243
Print ISSN: 08406286

Included in the MUSE 2006 Premium Collection, Standard Collection, and Arts and Humanities Collection.

For more information about the journal:


For the Table of Contents:


Thursday, July 20, 2006

NetLibrary 4.0

Introducing NetLibrary 4.0
New NetLibrary User Interface Launches July 31, 2006

On Monday July 31, 2006, NetLibrary will proudly introduce the all-new NetLibrary 4.0, a major site upgrade that will provide improved search
performance, a fresh new look and feel, and powerful new navigation tools. Key features and benefits include:

* New Site Architecture. A sleek new look and feel combined with simple intuitive navigation makes it easier to search across multiple formats.
* Automatic Summarization. Enables users to find the materials they are looking for quickly by providing a brief summary of eContent.
* Spell Checking. Automatically checks the spelling of a query term, recognizes commonly misspelled words and offers alternative spellings.
* Search within Search. Users can narrow search results by entering an additional search term or terms to drill down to relevant content.
* Concept Recommendations. Recognizes ambiguous search terms and provides recommendations for refining queries.
* Improved Query Performance. Query response will match performance indicators of leading Web search engines, typically offering response times of
two seconds or less.
* And much more.

To help you and your staff prepare for the introduction of NetLibrary 4.0, we're inviting you to take a pre-release tour of the new site by viewing
our updated online demo at,lmr3,58n,apur,ebux,1spf,h4oz . Also be sure to stock up on our new Quick Start
Guides at:,lmr3,58n,8jw6,9yyt,1spf,h4oz . These handy tri-fold brochures will help answers many basic
questions, such as how to create an account and login, how to search for eContent, and how to view or listen to eContent. For additional information
about NetLibrary 4.0 or other NetLibrary products and services, please click below or contact your NetLibrary representative by sending email to:

* NetLibrary 4.0 Overview:,lmr3,58n,5sxr,gbfa,1spf,h4oz
* View Demo:,lmr3,58n,apur,ebux,1spf,h4oz
* eContent Quick Start Guide:,lmr3,58n,8ml,2ie3,1spf,h4oz
* eAudiobook Quick Start Guide:,lmr3,58n,j3lv,hlkg,1spf,h4oz

Thursday, July 13, 2006

New title in Project Muse

***From the Indiana University Press:

Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society

Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy Edited by Peter H. Hare and Randall R. Dipert Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society has been the premier peer-reviewed journal specializing in the history of American philosophy since its founding in 1965. Although named for the founder of American pragmatism, American philosophers of all schools and periods, from the colonial to the recent past, are extensively discussed. TCSPS regularly includes essays, and every significant book published in the field is discussed in a review essay. A subscription to the journal includes membership in the Charles S. Peirce Society, which was founded in 1946 by Frederic H. Young. The purpose of the Society is to encourage study of and communication about the work of Peirce and its ongoing influence in the many fields of intellectual endeavor to which he contributed. Members meet annually in late December in conjunction with the meeting of the American Philosophical Association

E-ISSN: 1558-9578

Print ISSN: 0009-1774

Edited by Peter H. Hare and Randall R. Dipert

Included in the MUSE 2006 Premium Collection, Standard Collection, and Arts and Humanities Collection.

For more information about the journal:


For the Table of Contents:


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

New ARTstor Collaboration

* Collaboration between the Artists Rights Society (ARS), the Soci�t�
des auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques (ADAGP) and ARTstor *

The French artists� rights society (the Soci�t� des auteurs dans les
arts graphiques et plastiques (�ADAGP�)), The Artists Rights
Society of the United States (ARS), and ARTstor are pleased to
announce that they have recently reached a collaborative agreement.
Under the agreement, ARTstor will make available through the ARTstor
Digital Library the digital images of art works by thousands of ADAGP
artists and estates for teaching, research and study. The agreement
builds upon and extends the agreement reached in August 2005 between
ARS and ARTstor under which ARTstor is making available images of
works by ARS artists.

Under this agreement, ARTstor expects to make available shortly to
ARTstor participating institutions worldwide images of modern and
contemporary art works by ADAGP artists. ADAGP, the preeminent
European rights society, represents such artists as (to name a few):
Joan Miro, Pierre Bonnard, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Marc
Chagall, Andre Derain, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Alberto Giacometti,
Wassily Kandinsky, Le Corbusier, Fernand Leger, Rene Magritte, and
Edouard Vuillard.

ADAGP is the French collective society for the rights of authors in
the visual arts (such as painters, sculptors, photographers,
architects, and others)

ARS is the preeminent organization for visual artists in the United
States. Founded in 1987, ARS represents the intellectual property
rights interests of over 40,000 visual artists and estates of visual

Monday, July 10, 2006

New titles at Project Muse

The following journals, previously announced as joining Project MUSE, are now online:

** From the Edinburgh University Press:

Comparative Critical Studies

Comparative Critical Studies covers literary theory and criticism; comparative and
cultural studies; and interdisciplinary debate. It includes major plenary lectures given
at BCLA conferences by well known speakers, commissioned articles relating to given
themes, some creative writing, translations (including the winning entries in the annual
BCLA/BCLT translation competition), discussions of translation, essay reviews, and
special bibliographies on the theme for the year, or on individual writers.

E-ISSN: 1750-0109
Print ISSN: 1744-1854
OCLC NUMBER: Not Yet Available
Included in the following packages:
Premium Collection

For more information on the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

** From the Edinburgh University Press:

Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal

Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal is a fully refereed journal. It publishes
new and provocative ideas, paying particular attention to issues that have a contemporary
relevance and a wider public interest. It is aimed at an academic and wider public
readership. It draws upon expertise from virtually all relevant disciplines (history,
culture, politics, religion, archaeology, sociology). Over time it will deal with a wide
range of topics: 'two nations' and 'three faiths'; conflicting Israeli and Palestinian
perspectives; social and economic conditions; Palestine in history and today; ecumenism
and interfaith relations; modernisation, religious revivalisms and fundamentalisms;
Zionism and Post-Zionism; the 'new historiography' of Israel and Palestine.
Conventionally these diversified discourses are kept apart. This journal brings them

E-ISSN: 1750-0125
Print ISSN: 0474-9475
OCLC NUMBER: Not Yet Available
Included in the following packages:
Premium Collection
Social Sciences Collection

For more information on the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

** From the Edinburgh University Press:

Journal of Victorian Culture

Journal of Victorian Culture is essential reading for scholars of the Victorian period.
Beautifully produced, the Journal was established in Spring 1996, and is edited and
published in Britain with the assistance of a distinguished group of Editorial
Consultants. It provides an international forum for discussion and debate on all aspects
of Victorian history and culture in a diverse range of formats, including articles,
perspectives, roundtables and a section of substantial reviews.

E-ISSN: 1750-0133
Print ISSN: 1355-5502
OCLC NUMBER: Not Yet Available
Included in the following packages:
Premium Collection

For more information on the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

** From the Edinburgh University Press:


Romanticism is the journal of Romantic culture and criticism. The only major
international scholarly publication of its kind edited and published in Britain,
Romanticism offers a much-needed forum for the flourishing diversity of Romantic studies

Focusing on the period 1750-1850, it publishes critical, historical, textual and
bibliographical essays and notes prepared to the highest scholarly standards, reflecting
the full range of current methodological and theoretical debate. With its extensive book
review section, Romanticism constitutes a vital new arena for scholarly debate in this
liveliest field of literary studies.

E-ISSN: 1750-0192
Print ISSN: 1354-991X
OCLC NUMBER: Not Yet Available
Included in the following packages:
Premium Collection

For more information on the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

** From the Edinburgh University Press:

The Scottish Historical Review

The Scottish Historical Review

This is the premier journal in the field of Scottish Historical Studies, covering all
periods of Scottish history from the early to the modern, encouraging a variety of
historical approaches. Contributors are regarded as authoritative in their subject area;
the pages of the journal are regularly graced by leading Scottish historians. Essays on
Scottish History in Books, covering articles published in the preceding year.

E-ISSN: 1750-0222
Print ISSN: 0036-9241
OCLC NUMBER: Not Yet Available
Included in the following packages:
Premium Collection
Social Sciences Collection

For more information on the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

Friday, July 07, 2006



Project MUSE is very pleased to announce the implementation of RSS feeds for all journals in MUSE. The RSS feed is an alert tool that provides users with instant notification about news, updates and additions to titles within the MUSE collection. The RSS feeds complement our e-mail journal alert service. Both offer students, librarians, researchers and faculty valuable tools for staying current with information about their favorite titles from the over 300 journals in the MUSE collection. The new RSS feed for Latest Issues enables users to easily survey the contents of the four most recent issues of a journal by linking to the corresponding Tables of Contents. MUSE subscribers have direct access to the full text articles from the RSS feeds. Information about subscribing to the feeds is found at the Project MUSE RSS Syndication page ( Please visit this page often, as additional feeds will be added soon.

There are many websites for learning about RSS feeds and RSS Readers. While MUSE does not endorse one site or product over another, we recognize that those unfamiliar with the technology and terminology may find some introductory information helpful. The following link provides a description of RSS feeds and why they have become a popular method for information gathering. The link also provides descriptions of and links to some of the better-known RSS Readers.

Project MUSE is excited to add RSS feeds to the array of tools available to researchers that make it easy to locate and access full text articles in MUSE.

Current subscribers are encouraged to contact MUSE’s Customer Support desk at with any questions regarding this enhancement.