Thursday, July 28, 2005

BioOne adds title

BioOne is pleased to announce that content for the following title is
now on the site:

Title: Journal of Wildlife Management

Publisher/Society: The Wildlife Society

Frequency: Quarterly

ISSN: 0022-541X

The Journal of Wildlife Management contains information from original
research that contributes to the scientific foundations of wildlife
management. Topics include the results and interpretations of
investigations into the biology and ecology of wildlife that can be used
for management.

The Wildlife Society, founded in 1937, is the association of
professionals dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through
science and education. It works to develop and maintain professional
standards, advance professional stewardship of wildlife and its
habitats, and increase public awareness and appreciation of wildlife

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

NetLibrary News for August

August eBook of the Month

Identity Theft: How to Protect Your Name, Your Credit and
Your Vital Information…and What to Do When Someone
Hijacks Any of These

ChoicePoint. Lexis/Nexis. Bank of America. DSW Shoe
Warehouse. You’ve read the news and you know why
identity theft and personal security are front page
issues. Each year 7 to 10 million Americans are
victims of identity theft, costing consumers, banks
and credit card companies billions.

In the August eBook of the Month, the Editors of
Silver Lake Publishing will explain, in plain
English, how to make sure your credit history,
financial data, account information and other
essentials remain safe. Identity Theft: How to
Protect Your Name, Your Credit and Your Vital
Information…and What to Do When Someone Hijacks Any
of These combines interviews with law enforcement and
security experts with case studies and examples to
give readers the knowledge they need to avoid ID

Designed to increase awareness of online resources
and highlight the value of your eBook collection, the
August eBook of the Month will be available August
1-31 and is provided through the generous
support of Silver Lake Publishing. Don’t miss this
unique opportunity to showcase your NetLibrary
collection by sharing this Library Journal Small
Press Bestseller.

Learn More at:,e7j3,58n,e0b,6iq9,1spf,h4oz

©2005, NetLibrary, a division of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
4888 Pearl East Circle, Ste. 103, Boulder, Colorado 80301
All rights reserved.

Monday, July 25, 2005

BioOne Title Added

BioOne is pleased to announce that content for the following title is now
on the site:

Title: Journal of Wildlife Management

Publisher/Society: The Wildlife Society

Frequency: Quarterly

ISSN: 0022-541X

The Journal of Wildlife Management contains information from original
research that contributes to the scientific foundations of wildlife
management. Topics include the results and interpretations of
investigations into the biology and ecology of wildlife that can be used
for management.

The Wildlife Society, founded in 1937, is the association of professionals
dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and
education. It works to develop and maintain professional standards,
advance professional stewardship of wildlife and its habitats, and
increase public awareness and appreciation of wildlife management.

New Title in Project Muse

The following journal, previously announced as joining Project MUSE, is now online:

** From the The Johns Hopkins University Press:

Children's Literature Association Quarterly

With a new look and a new editorial staff, the Children's Literature Association Quarterly continues its tradition of publishing first-rate scholarship in Children's Literature Studies. Recent articles include "The Narnian Schism: Reading the Christian Subtext as Other in the Children's Stories of C. S. Lewis," "Dusty, the Dyke Barbie," and
"Playing Empire: Children's Parlor Games, Home Theatricals, and Improvisational Play." Each issue also features an editorial introduction, an international column, and book reviews. The Quarterly is available to members of the Children's Literature Association as a part of membership.

E-ISSN: 1553-1201
Print ISSN: 0885-0429
OCLC NUMBER: Not Yet Available
Included in the following packages:
Full Collection
Arts and Humanities Collection

For more information on the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

New Issues in Project Muse

Dear Subscribers:

We are pleased to announce the addition of the following new issues
to the Muse database:

Volume 5, Number 2, Spring 2005

Journal of American Folklore
Volume 118, Number 469, Summer 2005

Journal of Cold War Studies
Volume 7, Number 3, Summer 2005

Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
Volume 37, Number 4, August 2005

New Literary History
Volume 36, Number 2, Spring 2005

Oral Tradition
Volume 20, Number 1, March 2005

Philosophy and Rhetoric
Volume 38, Number 3, 2005

University of Toronto Quarterly
Volume 74, Number 3, Summer 2005

Saturday, July 23, 2005

WilsonWeb Enhancements

H.W. Wilson News wrote:

*New WilsonWeb Enhancements Mean Better Searching for Your Patrons!*

Our sincere appreciation goes out to subscribers who send us ideas for
improving the WilsonWeb service. Click *here*

for a complete list of the enhancements (13 in all!) you'll find in
*WilsonWeb 2.5*.

*New Interlibrary Loan feature*
Click the new Interlibrary Loan icon to automatically populate your
local ILL form with a record's bibliographic data. Administrators can
upload a custom icon to suit their library.

*Export records to bibliographic management software*
The Print Email Save page now offers a new choice for the direct
export of records to two popular export software packages: EndNote and
RefWorks. You can format records for most other bibliographic software
as well, from the E-Mail and Save Options pages.

*Format citation records automatically*
Automatic citing for your bibliography, using two popular standards:
MLA and APA.

*Searchable Help
*A convenient new text entry box lets you search the table of contents
and the body of the help topics. Results are ranked by relevance.

*One-click access to the Journal List *
Find out what publications are covered by the databases you're
searching, faster and easier. Clicking the Journal Directory button
from within WilsonWeb now automatically generates a basic list of the
publications covered by the database(s) in use, complete with start
and end dates for full text and indexing. A more in-depth display is
available, so all your journal coverage questions are answered.

*Other WilsonWeb Enhancements

*Free WilsonWeb Training!*
Register now

for live, interactive training from your own desk using your own
computer and telephone. It's fun, quick, and a live instructor will
conduct the session and answer your questions. You can schedule
training just for one person or for a group, and sessions can be
customized to cover a range of topics: effective searching; using
WilsonLink SFX technology; understanding usage statistics; using the
Administrator's Module; and more.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Enhancement to Books in Print

Dear Subscriber,

Bowker is pleased to announce the July 2005 enhancements to

As a reminder - you can further familiarize yourself with these, and many other enhancements, by signing up for a complimentary remote training session. Choose a date and time that best fits your schedule. Train alone or with a group, right from your personal computer. Visit to sign up!

Overview of enhancements in this message:
**ISBN-13 is Here!
**Lists - Made Easier
**Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Linking
**Book Collection Analysis Tools for Libraries


1. ISBN-13 is Here!
In order to accommodate the growing number of books being published each year (last year alone more than 195,000 new titles and editions were published), beginning January 1, 2007, all 10-digit International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) will be converted to new 13-digit ISBNs.

As the United States ISBN Agency, Bowker is excited to introduce the new 13-digit ISBNs into You will now be able to search by both the 13-digit ISBN and the 10-digit ISBN (either with or without hyphens). Additionally, the ISBN-13 will appear on the full description page for every title with an ISBN-10. If you accidentally type in a 13-digit ISBN that is not valid, will automatically alert you of this error.

For helpful links about the ISBN-13 transition and new screenshots of, please visit:

2. Lists - Made Easier
You spoke. We listened. Based on customer feedback, we have improved the process of adding items to a list. Once you create a new list, that list name is maintained in the list name drop down box for you to choose from the next time you click “Add to List”. These settings are maintained until changed by the user or until the user logs out. There is no more searching for your list every time you want to add records to an existing list.

3. Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Linking
Through you can now quickly and easily clear copyright permissions as you search for bibliographic information about specific books, journals and other copyrighted material. Simply select the “get permission” link featured on the Full Description (just beneath the blue tabs) and you will be taken to the appropriate permission service page on User and bibliographic information is automatically transferred from Bowker applications to, eliminating the need to re-enter information or conduct another title search.

You can also limit your search (in the Advanced Search Screen) to only those items available through Copyright Clearance Center. Please follow this link to read the press release:

4. Book Collection Analysis Tools
Exciting new partnerships with H.W. Wilson and ACRL have allowed Bowker to develop Bowker's Book Analysis System - a collection development tool that will allow a qualitative analysis of your holdings without laborious, manual comparisons. This week, Bowker debuted the school and public library version which will compare your holdings against the H.W. Wilson Standard Catalogs and provide you with reports (drilled down to the thousands section of the Dewey Decimal classification) that you can use to identify gaps and duplicates within your collection. For more information, visit

As always, these enhancements will also be posted on

Thank you for being a Bowker customer!

Monday, July 18, 2005

New Title in Project Muse


***From the Johns Hopkins University Press:

With a new look and a new editorial staff, the Children's Literature
Association Quarterly continues its tradition of publishing first-rate
scholarship in Children's Literature Studies. Recent articles include
"The Narnian Schism: Reading the Christian Subtext as Other in the
Children's Stories of C. S. Lewis," "Dusty, the Dyke Barbie," and
"Playing Empire: Children's Parlor Games, Home Theatricals, and
Improvisational Play." Each issue also features an editorial
introduction, an international column, and book reviews. The Quarterly
is available to members of the Children's Literature Association as a
part of membership.

E-ISSN: 1553-1201
Print ISSN: 0885-0429

Edited by Richard Flynn.

Included in the MUSE 2005 Full Collection and Arts and Humanities

For more information about the journal:

For the Table of Contents:

Monday, July 11, 2005

ARTstor announces release of new images

ARTstor is pleased to announce the release into the ARTstor Digital
Library of over 25,000 images, most of which were formerly a part of
the AMICO collection. As of today, users of ARTstor will be able to
view images provided by the following museums:

- Asia Society[2]
- The Cleveland Museum of Art[3]
- Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College[4]
- The Frick Collection and Art Reference Library[5]
- George Eastman House[6]
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art[7]
- The Minneapolis Institute of Arts[8]
- Smithsonian American Art Museum[9]
- Victoria and Albert Museum[10]
- The Walters Art Museum[11]

To locate these images, which have been integrated into the Image
Gallery and its browsing taxonomy, you can use “AMICO” as a keyword
when searching. For best results, combine “AMICO” with additional
search criteria, such as repository or creator name. In early August,
we anticipate releasing approximately 85,000 additional images from:

- Dallas Museum of Art[12]
- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco[13]
- Indianapolis Museum of Art[14]
- Library of Congress[15]
- Los Angeles County Museum of Art[16]
- Museum of Fine Arts, Boston[17]
- Philadelphia Museum of Art[18]

We will make additional announcements when those images are available
in the Library and will continue to keep you updated of additional
releases of images and of new museum agreements as they are reached.
For more information about our work on the AMICO project, please see
our website ([19])
and our archive of past announcements ([20]).


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Century of PsycARTICLES

Collection of More than a Century of Articles Will Be Provided to
Licensees at No Additional Charge

CHICAGO, June 25, 2005-The American Psychological Association (APA)
announced today that nearly 100 years of issues from 24 APA journals
will be added to PsycARTICLES this fall, effectively doubling the size
of the collection and creating the world's largest full-text database in

PsycARTICLES currently extends to 1985. The PsycARTICLES
1894-1984 archive, which APA announced at the American Library
Association 2005 Annual Conference, will be available to all
PsycARTICLES licensees at no additional charge over the regular
published annual data fees for PsycARTICLES in effect at the time of
initial licensing or renewal.

"From the inception of PsycARTICLES, our goal has been to
provide coverage of each journal to Volume 1, Issue 1," said Linda
Beebe, Senior Director, PsycINFO. "We're excited that we'll soon be able
to offer that coverage to our customers as a free enhancement to the
database. The PsycARTICLES Archive will provide content of immense
historical and research value that is unavailable in any other full-text
collection. And when paired with PsycINFO, users will have the added
value of precise recall of this material from PsycINFO abstracts and
indexing that will be unavailable from any other A&I or federated search

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

ERIC Announces New Database Content

ERIC is pleased to announce that the first database update of new
education-related content is now available on the ERIC Web site at This update includes journal titles and documents
published in 2004 and 2005 from publishers and organizations that
signed new authorization agreements with ERIC this year. Additional
agreements are in progress with previous providers to ERIC and newly
identified sources of high-quality education literature.

This inaugural ERIC update adds more than 100 comprehensively indexed
journals to the database, including titles from publishers such as
Blackwell, Taylor & Francis, Baywood, and other distinguished
publishers of education journals. New to ERIC are more than one dozen
journals not previously indexed in ERIC, and 110 full-text journal
articles. Most of the newly added articles are peer reviewed.
Peer-reviewed materials can now be easily identified by checking the
new "Peer Reviewed" field in the ERIC Search Results. .
In addition to newly indexed journal articles, this first 2005 ERIC
update adds 700 free, full-text documents to the database from a wide
variety of contributing institutions. Examples of organizations
contributing materials to ERIC, in addition to the U.S. Department of
Education, are federal, state, and private entities including: the
Government Accounting Office, Education Commission for the States,
Council of Chief State School Officers, Educational Testing Service,
Success for All Foundation, and the Southern Regional Education Board,
among others.
ERIC is recognized for its wealth of grey literature resources that are
not included in other major databases. Materials include research
reports, conference papers, dissertations, literature reviews, and
other documents in education. This initial update includes the
following highlights:

More than 250 U.S. Department of Education reports, including reports
produced by the National Center for Education Statistics and the
regional educational laboratories

Institute of Education Sciences What Works Clearinghouse reports

More than 160 documents submitted by state agencies in more than 15

The ERIC database will continue to be updated with newly acquired
Visit the News section of the ERIC Web site at for
quick links to information on new content, lists of ERIC journals, and
other recent enhancements. Notable new features include improvements
to the ERIC search function, and Journals Indexed in ERIC. In
addition to these features, more enhancements are under development
and will be announced this summer in the ERIC Web site's News section.

This news announcement was prepared by the Communications Team of the
ERIC Project. Future announcements will be sent on a periodic basis
to keep you informed of noteworthy events and enhancements.

Friday, July 01, 2005

NetLibrary July eBook of the Month

National Pastime: How Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer

When British soldiers in Afghanistan and Southern Iraq wanted to befriend the locals, they played a soccer match. On Christmas Day, 1914, British and
German soldiers in the First World War did the same thing. For nearly 100 years soccer has united a divided world with only one notable exception—the
United States.

Baseball is America's game, a national obsession that remains largely North American. Soccer is the world's game, a sport over which no nation can
claim ownership. In July's eBook of the Month, authors Stefan Szymanski and Andrew Zimbalist offer the first in-depth, cross-cultural comparison of
these two great sporting passions and show how much the traditions of each game reveal about the societies and economies that spawned them. By
tracing the evolution of both sports, Szymanski and Zimbalist identify some of the problems each faces, and how each sport can look to the other for

Designed to increase awareness of online resources and highlight the value of your eBook collection, July's eBook of the Month is provided through
the generous support of Brookings Institution Press. Don't miss this unique opportunity to showcase your NetLibrary collection by sharing this
engaging and entertaining look at the world of sports business.

Learn More at:,dr4l,58n,v8j,kxug,1spf,h4oz