Friday, February 23, 2007

JSTOR Correction

Dear JSTOR Participant,

As you may have noted, there was an error in the JSTOR Holdings Update message that was sent February 14th. In the list of new titles, the publication date range for the journal Ecosystems was incorrect. Correct journal information for this title is as follows:

  • Ecosystems (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 6, 1998-2003
    Moving Wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Springer Science + Business Media
    ISSN: 1432-9840

We apologize for this error, and for any confusion it may have caused. The release message below has been updated with this corrected journal information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

CSA Tech News

Tech News: Social Sciences

Recent References Related to the Social Sciences

Due to technical problems, the Recent References Related to the Social Sciences feature has not been available in searching social science databases
on CSA Illumina for several months. We are happy to report that the problem has been identified and corrected.

This feature supplements CSA Illumina by providing daily updates of article citations that have not yet been included in a CSA Illumina database.
Links to full-text are also included with each citation, if available. When searching selected CSA Illumina databases, this supplemental database is
searched simultaneously, with results displayed as "Recent References Related to Social Sciences." This feature will be available by March 1, 2007.

IBSS Reloaded on CSA Illumina

The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, produced by the London School of Economics and Political Science, has been reloaded on CSA
Illumina, allowing for the display of DOIs and author affiliations. A browsable index of Descriptors is also now available and can be accessed by
clicking on the purple Search Tools tab and then on the Indexes tab. Browsing these descriptors allows you to see and select the terms that have
been used to index individual items and thus ensures precise retrieval of relevant results. Since January, the update frequency for the database has
been increased to twice a month.

PILOTS: New Database Available on CSA Illumina

The PILOTS (Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress) is now available as a complimentary database to CSA social science customers.
This bibliographic database is produced at the headquarters of the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in White River Junction,
Vermont , and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Sorting of Database Names on CSA Illumina

Some users have noticed that CSA Sociological Abstracts, CSA Social Services Abstracts, CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, and CSA
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts have been appearing alphabetically under “C” in the Select Database view of CSA Illumina. In response to
customer suggestions, we have eliminated the “CSA” portion of the database name from the sort, and the databases will return to their previous
alphabetical position sorted by the first substantive word of the name (for example, “CSA Sociological Abstracts” will appear under “S”). This change
will be implemented by March 1, 2007.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Changes in Titles at BioOne

I am writing to inform you of two changes to the list of titles for
BioOne.1. For a complete list of current titles with coverage dates,

Systematic Botany (ISSN 0363-6445): BioOne is delighted to announce the
return of Systematic Botany to the BioOne.1 collection. Systematic
Botany ceased depositing current content at the end of 2003, but will
return to the collection beginning in early 2007. Issues from 2007 and
forward will appear on the site as they are published. Additionally,
backfile content from 2004-2006 will be posted early in 2007, forming a
complete archive of issues from 2003. For more information on the
return of Systematic Botany, please read the official BioOne press
release at

Micropaleontology (ISSN 0026-2803): MicroPress, the publisher of
Micropaleontology, has formally suspended delivery of current content to
BioOne, effective with Volume 51, Issue 2 (2005). Volumes 48-51
(2002-2005) of Micropaleontology will remain available on BioOne to all
subscribers. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this lapse in
coverage and hope to welcome back this important publication in the

JSTOR Web Site Update

JSTOR Web Site Update
Week of February 20, 2007

Revised Search Forms

In response to ongoing feedback from researchers and librarians, we have modified the JSTOR Advanced Search form. These revisions were previewed on the JSTOR Sandbox from July 2006 to November 2006. Based on usability testing and the feedback received during the preview, the Advanced Search form now includes four new fields for entering and combining full text, author, article title, abstract, and caption field search queries. Many users have told us that the new format allows them to more intuitively structure their searches for optimal results. In addition to these changes to the Advanced Search Form, navigation options and help files for the Basic Search and Article Locator forms have been updated, and the Expert Search form has been removed.

Shibboleth Support

JSTOR now supports Shibboleth authentication via a new “Log In” link from the main page at and from other entry points. Shibboleth is a system of authentication procedures, protocols, and technologies that enable end users to access multiple information resources with one set of credentials, or single sign-on technology. The Shibboleth system allows organizations to exchange information about users in a secure and privacy-preserving manner. More detailed information about Shibboleth can be found on the Shibboleth website.

The page “Shibboleth Authentication and JSTOR” explains the information we need in order to activate Shibboleth access for your institution. JSTOR is currently a member of the InCommon federation and is investigating membership in additional Shibboleth federations. In the interim, we would be happy to work with individual institutions that are members of other federations to test or implement Shibboleth with JSTOR.

Linking Enhancements

New linking functionality in the JSTOR website is now visible on article view and article information pages. In addition to already-existing links to articles in JSTOR that are referenced within a given article (“reference linking”), information about other articles in JSTOR that in-turn cite a given article (“forward linking”) is now displayed. Also displayed are links to articles by authors with the same name as the authors of the article. To further aid in resource discovery, we also provide “forward linking” via Google Scholar which will enable users to see if an article has been cited by others in articles not necessarily present in JSTOR.

Retrospective capture of linking data is still underway for archived content in JSTOR, so the number and availability of these linking options will continue to grow over the next several months. The retrospective portion of this work is expected to be completed by the end of 2007.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

JSTOR Technology Update

JSTOR Technology Update
Week of February 20, 2007

Tomorrow, JSTOR will release several enhancements to the web site. We are excited about these updates, and hope that JSTOR users will find them to be useful. A confirmation message will be sent tomorrow as soon as the release is complete. Please contact User Services with any questions.

Revised Search Forms

In response to ongoing feedback from researchers and librarians, we have modified the JSTOR Advanced Search form. These revisions were previewed on the JSTOR Sandbox from July 2006 to November 2006. Based on usability testing and the feedback received during the preview, the Advanced Search form will now include four new fields for entering and combining full text, author, article title, abstract, and caption field search queries. Many users have told us that the new format allows them to more intuitively structure their searches for optimal results. In addition to these changes to the Advanced Search Form, navigation options and help files for the Basic Search and Article Locator forms have been updated, and the Expert Search form has been removed.

Shibboleth Support

JSTOR will now support Shibboleth authentication via a new “Log In” link from the main page at and from other entry points. Shibboleth is a system of authentication procedures, protocols, and technologies that enable end users to access multiple information resources with one set of credentials, or single sign-on technology. The Shibboleth system allows organizations to exchange information about users in a secure and privacy-preserving manner. More detailed information about Shibboleth can be found on the Shibboleth website.

JSTOR is currently a member of the InCommon federation and is investigating membership in additional Shibboleth federations. In the interim, we would be happy to work with individual institutions that are members of other federations to test or implement Shibboleth with JSTOR.

Linking Enhancements

New linking functionality in the JSTOR website is now visible on article view and article information pages. In addition to already-existing links to articles in JSTOR that are referenced within a given article (“reference linking”), information about other articles in JSTOR that in-turn cite a given article (“forward linking”) will now be displayed. Also displayed will be links to articles by authors with the same name as the authors of the article. To further aid in resource discovery, we will also provide “forward linking” via Google Scholar which will enable users to see if an article has been cited by others in articles not necessarily present in JSTOR.

Retrospective capture of linking data is still underway for archived content in JSTOR, so the number and availability of these linking options will continue to grow over the next several months. The retrospective portion of this work is expected to be completed by the end of 2007.

Changes at Choice Reviews

Important Information for Accessing the New Choice Reviews Online

Most users will be able to access the new site with their current username (last name) and password, but a few usernames have been modified. If you are unable to log on, click on the "Forgot Your Password" link on and enter your e-mail address; you will promptly receive an e-mail with your new username.

New reviews that match your profile appear in the My Monthly Reviews section. To see new reviews, you must activate this section by going to My Profile and clicking on the Update My Profile button at the bottom of the page. We encourage you to take this opportunity to review and update the information contained in your profile.

Your Profile and Lists were transferred to the new site in late December; any changes you made to your Profile or Lists after December 21 will not be reflected on this new site. You may encounter a few discrepancies with this transfer of data, so please carefully check the My Lists and My Profile sections in the new CRO for accuracy. Your Profile and Lists remain on the original CRO site as well.

We urge you to review the many new options available in the My Profile section. By clicking on My Profile, you may change your username and password. You can also change your Profile as frequently as you like and immediately view titles that match the revised Profile. You can also change the publication date at the top of My Monthly Reviews to see reviews matching your profile for any previous issue.

To get the most out of the redesigned Choice Reviews Online, please read the "Top Tips for Using the New Choice Reviews Online," which you will find prominently displayed on the home page. This new version contains many new features and expanded content, including bibliographic essays, forthcoming titles lists, and all special editorial features, Web exclusives, and enhanced functionality such as saved searches.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New at NetLibrary

New eBooks, Special Collections, eAudiobooks & More

Featured Collection: Women's History Titles

Women and War : A Historical Encyclopedia From Antiquity to the Present,qcmh,58n,1f48,ai7n,1spf,h4oz
Author: Cook, Bernard A.
Publisher: ABC-CLIO

Latinas in the United States : A Historical Encyclopedia,qcmh,58n,8ddi,efgw,1spf,h4oz
Author: Ruíz, Vicki.; Sánchez Korrol, Virginia.
Publisher: Indiana University Press

The Routledge History of Women in Europe Since 1700,qcmh,58n,gcql,gt11,1spf,h4oz
Author: Simonton, Deborah
Publisher: Routledge

Mad Seasons: The Story of the First Women's Professional Basketball League, 1978-1981,qcmh,58n,j5is,a3ox,1spf,h4oz
Author: Porter, Karra.
Publisher: University of Nebraska Press

View More Women's History Titles Titles at:,qcmh,58n,m78x,iqgv,1spf,h4oz

New eBooks

Cities of God: The Real Story of How Christianity Became an Urban Movement and Conquered Rome,qcmh,58n,akmp,b5ix,1spf,h4oz
Author: Stark, Rodney.
Publisher: HarperCollins e-books

The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep,qcmh,58n,h71i,l7qb,1spf,h4oz
Author: Epstein, Lawrence.; Mardon, Steven.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

The Era of Choice : The Ability to Choose and Its Transformation of Contemporary Life,qcmh,58n,3gab,1vlf,1spf,h4oz
Author: Rosenthal, Edward C.
Publisher: MIT Press

Undermining Science : Suppression and Distortion in the Bush Administration,qcmh,58n,ls62,kwto,1spf,h4oz
Author: Shulman, Seth.
Publisher: University of California Press

View More New eBooks at:,qcmh,58n,liej,cdbc,1spf,h4oz

NetLibrary@Work: Desktop Technology

Geeks On Call Windows XP : 5-minute Fixes,qcmh,58n,a5po,3ggo,1spf,h4oz
Author: King, J. R.
Publisher: Wiley Pub.

Learn Excel From Mr Excel : 277 Excel Mysteries Solved,qcmh,58n,ih7j,d9q5,1spf,h4oz
Author: Jelen, Bill.
Publisher: Holy Macro! Books

How to Do Everything With Your Palm Handheld {How to Do Everything With--; 5th Ed.},qcmh,58n,1cov,an4o,1spf,h4oz
Author: Johnson, Dave.; Broida, Rick.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Osborne

Passwords : Selection, Protection, Authentication,qcmh,58n,a26a,28dm,1spf,h4oz
Author: Burnett, Mark.; Kleiman, Dave.
Publisher: Syngress

View More Desktop Technology Titles at:,qcmh,58n,he0e,iyrk,1spf,h4oz

New eAudiobooks

The Last Templar {Unabridged.},qcmh,58n,g40i,cb3q,1spf,h4oz
Author: Khoury, Raymond
Collection: Recorded Books,qcmh,58n,2ih0,i7da,1spf,h4oz

The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town,qcmh,58n,6rmp,fty7,1spf,h4oz
Author: John Grisham
Collection: Books on Tape,qcmh,58n,7z9g,dmkh,1spf,h4oz

Operation Homecoming: Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, in the Words of U.S. Troops and Their Families,qcmh,58n,ud5,g6r8,1spf,h4oz
Author: Andrew Carroll
read by Full cast
Collection: Blackstone Audio,qcmh,58n,ijvu,4vsb,1spf,h4oz

The Book of Lost Things {Unabridged.},qcmh,58n,7wsf,4apb,1spf,h4oz
Author: Connolly, John.
Collection: Recorded Books,qcmh,58n,2ih0,i7da,1spf,h4oz

View More New eAudiobook Titles at:,qcmh,58n,45ox,clkq,1spf,h4oz

Featured Publisher

Headquartered in Santa Barbara, California, with branch offices in Denver, Colorado and Oxford, England, ABC-CLIO is a closely held publisher of
educational and reference products focusing on history and social studies resources for the scholar, student, teacher, and librarian in universities
and secondary schools.

Learn More at:,qcmh,58n,f2jh,lovy,1spf,h4oz

NewsBank Special Report

A new Special Report focusing on the 2008 Presidential Campaign is now available.

The current focus of the Presidential Campaign 2008 Special Report is on proposed or declared candidates. There is a section for each person. Articles and a link to their official website are included. Sections are organized in alphabetical order for easy access.

In addition to this information, articles on the two major parties and coverage of the campaign in Spanish are also included.

Information on presidential qualifications, power and election process are available along with coverage of several previous presidential elections to provide needed background to help understand the 2008 campaign.

The Report also contains pictures, related maps and links to other web sites of interest on this topic. Suggested search terms to help locate additional information in your NewsBank products are listed to encourage further research. All articles are easily accessed and can be printed or e-mailed from within the Report.

NewsBank has always been committed to providing libraries with the best coverage of important global issues and events.

These Special Reports are accessible from the left side bar at along with your NewsBank products.

Other currently featured Special Reports include
• Black History
• People in the News – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
• World Health – National Heart Month
• Iraq
• Natural Disasters Around the World
• World Environment
• Science & Health in the News

Additional Reports may also be accessed from your product menu page.

Friday, February 16, 2007

New at ARTstor

What’s New in ARTstor

Images from Lichtenstein Foundation and Estate
ARTstor is excited to announce that the first set of images from the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation and Estate have been added to the ARTstor Digital Library. These images span a range of periods over the artist’s life and include many of his most well known works. To browse these new ARTstor images, click on “Image Gallery” on the ARTstor “welcome page” and then select “Individual Artists and Estates: Roy Lichtenstein” or simply search the keyword “Lichtenstein.”

Italian Renaissance Painting from the Foto Reali Archive
The Foto Reali Archive, one of the most important photographic archives belonging to the National Gallery of Art Library’s Department of Image Collections, is now available to ARTstor users. Foto Reali was a Florentine photographic firm that surveyed private art collections as well as dealer inventories in Italy in the early twentieth century, often photographing the paintings in situ.

Medieval French Architecture and American Architecture from the Clarence Ward Archive
The Clarence Ward Archive richly documents Romanesque and Gothic architecture in France and selectively documents American architecture from Colonial times through the early 20th century. ARTstor has digitized the ca. 4,000 large format nitrate negatives and is now distributing them through the ARTstor Digital Library.

WorldCat Updates for February



Web users who perform searches at can now sort results
using several indices. By default, search results are returned sorted by
relevance. Additionally, users can now sort by author (alphabetical by
last name), title (alphabetical), and date (newest-to-oldest and

Result sorting joins the recently added "Refine Your Search" faceted
browse feature in providing users the ability to better examine large
result sets.


Item records in WorldCat's open-Web interface now include a "Cite this
Item" link that provides bibliographic citations in five common styles:
APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA and Turabian. Displayed in a separate pop-up
window, the citations follow the reference standard for each style.

The citations window cautions users that "formatting rules within a
style can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or
study," and that they should apply the specific requirements of a
reviewing body.


These new features are available to Web users who perform a search of
library-owned content at <> . They
are also available to users who reach a WorldCat item record from Open
WorldCat program results at Google, Yahoo! Search and other partner
sites, then perform a new WorldCat search or follow author or subject
links in the item record.

New Titles in Academic OneFile

Here is this week's list of new periodicals added to Academic OneFile.
We had a stellar week, with more than 180 new, peer-reviewed, full-text
journals added. These full-text titles were added the week of February

All of these academic titles have been added to Academic OneFile and can
be found on product using Basic or Advanced Search forms.

Acta Bioethica (Pan American Health Organization)
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (BioMed Central Ltd.)
AIDS Research and Therapy (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Algorithms for Molecular Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
America Latina Hoy (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca)

Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials (BioMed
Central Ltd.)
Annals of General Psychiatry (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (College of American
ASRT Scanner (American Society of Radiologic Technologists)

Australia and New Zealand Health Policy (BioMed Central Ltd.)

B M C Anesthesiology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Biochemistry (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Bioinformatics (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Biotechnology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Blood Disorders (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Cancer (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Cardiovascular Disorders (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Cell Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Chemical Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Clinical Pathology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Clinical Pharmacology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Complementary and Alternative Medicine (BioMed Central
B M C Dermatology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Developmental Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders (BioMed Central Ltd.)

B M C Ecology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Emergency Medicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Endocrine Disorders (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Evolutionary Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Family Practice (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Gastroenterology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Genetics (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Genomics (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Geriatrics (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Health Services Research (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Immunology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Infectious Diseases (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C International Health and Human Rights (BioMed Central
B M C Medical Education (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Medical Ethics (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Medical Genetics (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Medical Imaging (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Medical Informatics and Decision Making (BioMed Central
B M C Medical Research Methodology (BioMed Central Ltd.)

B M C Microbiology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Molecular Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Musculoskeletal Disorders (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Nephrology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Neurology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Neuroscience (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Nuclear Medicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Nursing (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Ophthalmology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Oral Health (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Palliative Care (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Pediatrics (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Pharmacology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Physiology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Plant Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Pregnancy and Childbirth (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Psychiatry (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Public Health (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Pulmonary Medicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Structural Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Surgery (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Urology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Veterinary Research (BioMed Central Ltd.)
B M C Women's Health (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Behavioral and Brain Functions (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Biology Direct (BioMed Central Ltd.)
BioMagnetic Research and Technology (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Biomedical Digital Libraries (BioMed Central Ltd.)
BioMedical Engineering OnLine (BioMed Central Ltd.)
BMC Systems Biology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Cancer Cell International (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Carbon Balance and Management (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Cardiovascular Diabetology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Cardiovascular Ultrasound (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Cell & Chromosome (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Cell Communication and Signaling (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Cell Division (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Cerebrospinal Fluid Research (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Chiropractic and Osteopathy (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Clinical and Molecular Allergy (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health (BioMed
Central Ltd.)
Comparative Hepatology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Cough (BioMed Central Ltd.)
CytoJournal (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Diagnostic Pathology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Dynamic Medicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Electronic Health Records Briefing (HCPro, Inc.)
Emerging Themes in Epidemiology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source (BioMed
Central Ltd.)
Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Filaria Journal (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Frontiers in Zoology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Geochemical Transactions (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Globalization and Health (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Harm Reduction Journal (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Head & Face Medicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Health Research Policy and Systems (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Human Resources for Health (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Immunity & Ageing (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Immunome Research (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Implementation Science (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Infectious Agents and Cancer (BioMed Central Ltd.)
International Breastfeeding Journal (BioMed Central Ltd.)
International Journal for Equity in Health (BioMed Central Ltd.)

International Journal of Health Geographics (BioMed Central
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education
(Institute of Health Promotion and Education)
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation
(Inderscience Publishers Ltd.)
International Seminars in Surgical Oncology (BioMed Central
Journal of Autoimmune Diseases (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration (BioMed
Central Ltd.)
Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury (BioMed
Central Ltd.)
Journal of Carcinogenesis (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Journal of Circadian Rhythms (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Journal of Continuing Education Topics & Issues (American
Medical Technologists)
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction (BioMed
Central Ltd.)
Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines (BioMed Central
Journal of Inflammation (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Journal of Molecular Signaling (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Journal of Nanobiotechnology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (BioMed Central
Journal of Neuroinflammation (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (London) (BioMed
Central Ltd.)
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (BioMed Central
Journal of Singing (National Association of Teachers of Singing)
Journal of Translational Medicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Kinetoplastid Biology and Disease (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Life Extension (LE Publications, Inc)
Lipids in Health and Disease (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Malaria Journal (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Medical Immunology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Microbial Cell Factories (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Molecular Cancer (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Molecular Neurodegeneration (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Molecular Pain (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Neural Development (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy (Grieg Academy Music Therapy
Research Centre/Unifob Health)
Notes on Contemporary Literature (Notes on Contemporary
Nuclear Receptor (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Nutrition & Metabolism (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Nutrition Journal (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Particle and Fibre Technology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Perspectives in Health (Pan American Health Organization)

Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine (BioMed Central
Pipeline and Gas Technology (Hart Publications, Inc.)
Plant Methods (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Plastic Surgery Practice Advisor (HCPro, Inc.)
Population Health Metrics (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Proteome Science (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Radiation Oncology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Reproductive Health (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Respiratory Research (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Retrovirology (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica (Pan American Health
Revista Universitaria de la UABC (Universidad Autonoma de Baja
Saline Systems (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Scoliosis (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Source Code for Biology and Medicine (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy (BioMed
Central Ltd.)
Texture, Stress, and Microstructure (Hindawi Publishing
The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical
Activity (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Thrombosis Journal (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Trials (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Vermont Nurse Connection (Vermont Nurses Association)
Vermont Registered Nurse (Vermont Nurses Association)
Virology Journal (BioMed Central Ltd.)
Whitireia Nursing Journal (Whitireia Community Polytechnic,
Nursing Centre of Learning)
World Journal of Emergency Surgery (BioMed Central Ltd.)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Titles in JSTOR

We are pleased to announce that fifteen new journals have been added to the JSTOR archive. Institutions that participate in collections with new journals will be able to access the new content immediately.

  • Computer Music Journal (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 25, 1977-2001
    Moving Wall: 5 years
    Publisher: The MIT Press
    ISSN: 0148-9267

  • Ecography (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Previous title: Holarctic Ecology (0105-9327)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 22, 1978-1999
    Moving Wall: 7 years
    Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Nordic Society
    ISSN: 0906-7590

  • Ecosystems (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 6, 1988-2003
    Moving Wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Springer Science + Business Media
    ISSN: 1432-9840

  • Financial Management (Business II Collection)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 32, 1972-2003
    Moving Wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Financial Management Association International
    ISSN: 0046-3892

  • Journal of Avian Biology (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Previous title: Ornis Scandinavica (0030-5693)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 30, 1970-1999
    Moving Wall: 7 years
    Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Nordic Society
    ISSN: 0908-8857

  • Mathematics of Operations Research (Arts & Sciences Complement, Business II and Mathematics & Statistics Collections)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 32, 1976-2002
    Moving Wall: 4 years
    Publisher: INFORMS
    ISSN: 0364-765x

  • Mountain Research and Development (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 23, 1981-2003
    Moving Wall: 3 years
    Publisher: International Mountain Society
    ISSN: 0276-4741

  • The Oral History Review (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 30, 1973-2003
    Moving Wall: 3 years
    Publisher: University of California Press
    ISSN: 0094-0798

  • Palynology (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Previous title: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (0270-1316)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 25, 1970-2001
    Moving Wall: 5 years
    Publisher: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists
    ISSN: 0191-6122

  • Perspectives on Politics (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release Content: Vol. 1, 2003
    Moving Wall: 3 years
    Publisher: The American Political Science Association
    ISSN: 1537-5927

  • Revue belge de Musicologie / Belgisch Tidjdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 55, 1946-2004
    Moving Wall: 5 years
    Publisher: Societe Belge de Musicologie
    ISSN: 0771-6788

  • The Southwestern Naturalist (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 48, 1956-2003
    Moving Wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Southwestern Association of Naturalists
    ISSN: 0038-4909

  • SubStance (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 33, 1971-2004
    Moving Wall: 2 years
    Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
    ISSN: 0049-2426

  • Systematics and Geography of Plants (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Previous title: Bulletin du Jardin botanique National de Belgique / Bulletin van de National Plantentuin van België (0303-9153)
    Previous title: Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'État a Bruxelles (0374-6313)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 71, 1902-2001
    Moving Wall: 5 years
    Publisher: Nationale Plantentuin van Belgie
    ISSN: 1374-7886

  • Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – Series 6 Vol. 11, 1872-2001
    Moving Wall: 5 years
    Publisher: Royal Historical Society
    ISSN: 0080-4401

One previous title to a journal currently archived in JSTOR is now available. The Arts & Sciences II Collection will now include this previous content related to the current title, History of Education Quarterly.

  • History of Education Journal (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release Content: Vols. 1 – 10, 1949-1959
    Publisher: History of Education Society
    ISSN: 0162-8607

Three titles with a moving wall of zero have had the most recent digitized issues added:

  • The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (Arts & Sciences II and Mathematics & Statistics Collection)
    Release Content: Vol. 12, no. 3, 2006
    Publisher: Association for Symbolic Logic
    ISSN: 1079-8986

  • Environmental Health Perspectives (Health & General Sciences Collection)
    Release Content: Vol. 114, no. 9, 2006
    Publisher: The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
    ISSN: 0091-6765

  • Music Educators Journal (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
    Release Content: Vol. 93, no. 1, 2006
    Publisher: MENC: The National Association for Music Education
    ISSN: 0027-4321

By publisher request, the following one journal will have content released beyond the moving wall:

  • Osiris (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release content: Second Series: Vols. 17 – 20 (2002-2005)
    Moving wall: 5 years (will commence in 2010)
    Publisher: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society
    ISSN: 0369-7827

By publisher request, the following six titles have had the moving walls reduced:

  • American Educational Research Journal (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 39 (2002)
    Moving wall: 4 years (previously 5 years)
    Publisher: American Educational Research Association
    ISSN: 0002-8312

  • Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 24 (2002)
    Moving wall: 4 years (previously 5 years)
    Publisher: American Educational Research Association
    ISSN: 0162-3737

  • Educational Researcher (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 31 (2002)
    Moving wall: 4 years (previously 5 years)
    Publisher: American Educational Research Association
    ISSN: 0013-189x

  • Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (Arts & Sciences IV and Mathematics & Statistics Collections)
    Release content: Vol. 27 (2002)
    Moving wall: 4 years (previously 5 years)
    Publisher: American Educational Research Association
    ISSN: 1076-9986

  • Review of Educational Research (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 72 (2002)
    Moving wall: 4 years (previously 5 years)
    Publisher: American Educational Research Association
    ISSN: 0034-6543

  • Review of Research in Education (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 26 (2002)
    Moving wall: 4 years (previously 5 years)
    Publisher: American Educational Research Association
    ISSN: 0091-832x

The following twenty-eight titles have had previously missing issues added:

  • Africa: Journal of the International African Institute (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release content: Vol. 44 (Issue 2), 1974
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
    ISSN: 0001-9720

  • Anthropological Quarterly (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release content: Vol. 46 (Issue 1), 1973
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: The George Washington University Institute for Ethnographic Research
    ISSN: 0003-5491

  • Church History (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 1 (Issue 4), 1932;
    Vol. 2 (Issues 1-2), 1933;
    Vol. 2 (Issue 4), 1933;
    Vol. 3 (Issues 2-4), 1934;
    Vol. 5 (Issue 1), 1936
    Moving wall: 5 years
    Publisher: American Society of Church History
    ISSN: 0009-6407

  • Ethos (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 10 (Issues 1-4), 1982
    Moving wall: 7 years
    Publisher: American Anthropological Association
    ISSN: 0091-2131

  • Far Eastern Survey ( Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 11 (Issues 21-22), 1942;
    Vol. 11 (Issues 24-25), 1942
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: University of California Press
    ISSN: 0362-8949

  • Film Quarterly (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 36 (Issue 1) – Vol. 37 (Issue 4), 1982-1984;
    Vol. 51 (Issue 2), 1997/1998;
    Vol. 53 (Issue 1), 1999
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: University of California Press
    ISSN: 0015-1386

  • Journal of Bible and Religion (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 16 (Issue 1), 1948
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: Oxford University Press
    ISSN: 0885-2758

  • The Journal of Hellenic Studies (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 60 (Supplement), 1940;
    Vol. 90 (Supplement), 1970;
    Vol. 110 (Supplement), 1990
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
    ISSN: 0075-4269

  • Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 2 (Issue 1), 1943;
    Vol. 47 (Issue 1), 1988
    Moving wall: 5 years
    Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
    ISSN: 0022-2968

  • Journal of Research in Music Education (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 26 (Issue 4), 1978
    Moving wall: none
    Publisher: MENC: The National Association for Music Education
    ISSN: 0022-4294

  • Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 24, 1854;
    Vol. 35, 1865;
    Vol. 41, 1871
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)
    ISSN: 0266-6235

  • Limnology and Oceanography (Biological Sciences and Ecology & Botany Collections)
    Release content: Vol. 46 (Issue 2 Supplement), 2001
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
    ISSN: 0024-3590

  • MERIP Reports (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release content: Nos. 41 – 42, 1975
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: Middle East Research and Information Project
    ISSN: 0047-7265

  • Modern Philology (Arts & Sciences III and Language & Literature Collections)
    Release content: Vol. 9 (Issue 2), 1911
    Moving wall: 5 years
    Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
    ISSN: 0026-8232

  • The Musical Times (Arts & Sciences III and Music Collections)
    Release content: Vol. 60 (Issues 911-922), 1919
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Musical Times Publications Ltd.
    ISSN: 0027-4666

  • Parnassus (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 1 (Issue 1), 1929
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: College Art Association
    ISSN: 1543-6314

  • Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Health & General Sciences and Mathematics & Statistics Collections)
    Release content: Vol. 70 (Supplement), 1780
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: The Royal Society
    ISSN: 0261-0523

  • Phoenix (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release content: Vol. 48 (Issue 3), 1994
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Classical Association of Canada
    ISSN: 0031-8299

  • Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release content: Vol. 28 (Issue 4), 1968;
    Vol. 29 (Issue 1), 1968;
    Vol. 34 (Issue 4), 1982;
    Vol. 35 (Issues 1-2), 1983
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: The Academy of Political Science
    ISSN: 0065-0684

  • PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association (Arts & Sciences II Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 1972, 1972
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Philosophy of Science Association
    ISSN: 0270-8647

  • Public Productivity & Management Review (Arts & Sciences IV and Business II Collections)
    Release content: Vol. 18 (Issue 4), 1995
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
    ISSN: 1044-8039

  • Review of Religious Research (Arts & Sciences Complement)
    Release content: Vol. 34 (Issue 3), 1993
    Moving wall: 2 years
    Publisher: Religious Research Association, Inc.
    ISSN: 0034-673x

  • The Scientific Monthly (Health & General Sciences Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 17 (Issues 1-6), 1923
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science
    ISSN: 0096-3771

  • Southern Economic Journal (Arts & Sciences Complement and Business II Collections)
    Release content: Vol. 1 (Issue 2), 1934;
    Vol. 2 (Issue 2), 1935;
    Vol. 5 (Issue 1), 1938;
    Vol. 5 (Issues 3-4), 1939;
    Vol. 6 (Issue 1), 1939;
    Vol. 7 (Issue 1), 1940
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Southern Economic Association
    ISSN: 0038-4038

  • Taxon (Biological Sciences Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 50 (Index), 2001
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)
    ISSN: 0040-0262

  • University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register (Arts & Sciences IV Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 68 (Issues 2-4), 1920
    Moving wall: n/a
    Publisher: The University of Pennsylvania Law Review
    ISSN: 0749-9833

  • Die Welt des Islams (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
    Release content: New Series: Vol. 36 (Issues 1-3), 1996
    Moving wall: 5 years
    Publisher: BRILL
    ISSN: 0043-2539

  • Woman’s Art Journal (Arts & Sciences III Collection)
    Release content: Vol. 11 (Issue 2), 1990-1991
    Moving wall: 3 years
    Publisher: Woman's Art, Inc.
    ISSN: 0270-7993

Seven previously released titles have been reworked to improve quality. The rework process resulted in improved image quality, caption searching, and enhanced display of non-English languages for the following titles:

  • Academy of Management Journal (Arts & Sciences IV and Business Collections)
    Previous title: The Journal of the Academy of Management (1535-3990)
    Release content: Vols. 1 – 42, 1958-1999
    Moving wall: 5 years
    Publisher: Academy of Management
    ISSN: 0001-4273

  • Econometrica (Arts & Sciences I, Business and Mathematics & Statistics Collections)
    Release content: Vols. 1 – 70, 1933-2002
    Moving wall: 2 years
    Publisher: The Econometric Society
    ISSN: 0012-9682

  • Economica (Arts & Sciences II and Business Collections)
    Release content: Vols. 1 – 42, New Series Vols. 1 – 67, 1921-2000
    Moving wall: 2 years
    Publisher: The Econometric Society
    ISSN: 0013-0427

  • Journal of Economic Literature (Arts & Sciences I and Business Collections)
    Previous title: Journal of Economic Abstracts (0364-281x)
    Release content: Vols. 1 – 40, no. 2, 1963-2002
    Moving wall: 2 years
    Publisher: American Economic Association
    ISSN: 0022-0515

  • Journal of Industrial Economics (Arts & Sciences I and Business Collections)
    Release content: Vols. 1 – 48, 1952-2000
    Moving wall: 5 years
    Publisher: Blackwell Publishing
    ISSN: 0022-1821

  • Managerial and Decision Economics (Arts & Sciences IV and Business Collections)
    Release content: Vols. 1 – 17, 1980-1996
    Moving wall: 5 years
    Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
    ISSN: 0143-6570

  • Organization Science (Arts & Sciences IV and Business Collections)
    Release content: Vols. 1 – 12, no.1, 1990-2001
    Moving wall: 4 years
    Publisher: INFORMS
    ISSN: 1047-7039

Although JSTOR seeks to provide every issue from a journal's run, on occasion there are issues that we are unable to find. To see which issues are missing, or for information about how to help JSTOR complete the archive, please visit JSTOR's Back Issues Needed page

More detailed information about all JSTOR titles and collections can be accessed at

Delimited lists of all available JSTOR titles can be accessed at

Participation information for JSTOR collections may be found at

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

WorldCat Update

WorldCat Update

Just added: Sorting of search results; reference citations

Web users who perform searches at can now sort
results using several indices. By default, search results are
returned sorted by relevance. Additionally, users can now sort
by author (alphabetical by last name), title (alphabetical),
and date (newest-to-oldest and oldest-to-newest).

Result sorting joins the recently added "Refine Your Search"
faceted browse feature in providing users the ability to better
examine large result sets.

Citation feature helps students and researchers

Item records in WorldCat's open-Web interface now include a
"Cite this Item" link that provides bibliographic citations
in five common styles: APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA and Turabian.
Displayed in a separate pop-up window, the citations follow the
reference standard for each style.

The citations window cautions users that "formatting rules
within a style can vary widely between applications and fields
of interest or study," and that they should apply the specific
requirements of a reviewing body.

About availability

These new features are available to Web users who perform a
search of library-owned content at They are also
available to users who reach a WorldCat item record from Open
WorldCat results at Google, Yahoo! Search and other partner
sites, then perform a new WorldCat search or follow author or
subject links in the item record.


Search for what you want among more than 1 billion library-
owned items, then find it at a library near you.

< >

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

ProQuest/CSA Merger

This is an important week, the week ProQuest and CSA officially join forces. Separately, these two organizations have a shared purpose: to provide serious researchers with high quality information solutions, illuminated through authoritative discovery aids, and unlocked through powerful enabling technologies. Through decades of direct interaction with researchers, the two companies have earned a global reputation for providing high quality products supported by top-notch service. This is a time of rapid change in the information industry, as companies continues to find new ways to provide information. What an exciting time for these two like-minded companies to come together!

Our objective will be to build an organization that reflects the fine traditions of both ProQuest and CSA. Guiding our plans will be our passion for meeting the research needs of the end-user; our drive to help that researcher find what they need, better and faster than ever; and our firm belief that our success stems ultimately from the success of those who use our products.

We?ve come together, well-positioned to create new, innovative, editorially excellent, technology enabled research solutions, while continuing to deliver the research databases upon which you?ve come to depend. CSA Illustrata and ProQuest One-Click searching are recent releases highlighting the innovative thinking found in our two companies. Imagine the possibilities that stem from this union!

You likely have questions about what this means to you and your users. We are embarking on a thoughtful but fast-paced process to evaluate how best to serve you by uniting the best each company offers. We will seek the advice of our customers, including those serving on our advisory boards, and our content providers as we make decisions during the integration process.

You have our commitment to keep you informed about any changes that might affect you. The name ProQuest CSA will be used to facilitate easy recognition. We will ensure that you have the information you need?whether product information or contact information?at all times. For the immediate future, please continue to work with the sales and service representatives you currently use. You can be confident that all of your contracts, license rights, and account balances will be intact, regardless of whether held by ProQuest or CSA.

While we are just beginning the process of bringing these two companies together, the commitment to serve libraries comes through in every conversation. The opportunity to work with you, our valued customers, and the employees around the world who care so much about creating high quality research solutions for you is deeply valued.

We look forward to many conversations with librarians and researchers around the globe. In the meantime, please don?t hesitate to get in touch with either of us, with comments, or questions, or observations. Here?s to creating a company with a bright new future together: the place where serious research starts.

Monday, February 12, 2007

New Issues in Project Muse

We are pleased to announce the addition of the following new issues
to the Muse database:

Advertising & Society Review
Volume 7, Issue 4, 2006

Volume 29, Number 4, Fall 2006

Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Volume 36, Number 4, December 2006

Volume 12, Number 3, Fall 2004

CR: The New Centennial Review
Volume 6, Number 2, Fall 2006

Film History: An International Journal
Volume 18, Number 4, 2006

Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media
Volume 48, Number 1, Spring 2007

French Studies: A Quarterly Review
Volume 60, Number 4, October 2006

The Henry James Review
Volume 28, Number 1, Winter 2007

Human Rights Quarterly
Volume 29, Number 1, February 2007

The Journal of Japanese Studies
Volume 33, Number 1, Winter 2007

Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 2007

Volume 40, Number 1, February 2007

New Literary History
Volume 37, Number 4, Autumn 2006

Parliamentary History
Volume 26, Part 1, 2007

Philosophy of Music Education Review
Volume 14, Number 2, Fall 2006

Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology
Volume 13, Number 2, June 2006

The Southern Literary Journal
Volume 39, Number 1, Fall 2006

Technology and Culture
Volume 48, Number 1, January 2007

Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture
Volume 10, 2006

Friday, February 09, 2007

Oxford Reference Online Quarterly Update

The latest update to Oxford Reference Online: Premium Collection includes four new titles:

The OXFORD DICTIONARY OF RHYMES has what every writer (or budding writer) needs and
serves as a superb reference for any English teacher. This must-have tool contains rhymes
for 45,000 words, including proper names, place names, and foreign terms used in English.
The OXFORD DICTIONARY OF GENETICS includes terms from a wide range of disciplines,
including molecular biology, cell biology, medicine, botany, and evolutionary studies.
Its 7,000 cross-referenced definitions are supported by an excellent collection of line
drawings, tables, and chemical formulas.

The OXFORD COMPANION TO SHIPS AND THE SEA is a completely revised and updated edition of
a classic volume that was first published in 1976 to huge acclaim. It covers every aspect
of the seas and the vessels that sail on them, from shipbuilding, yachting, diving, and
marine mammals, to tidal power, piracy, and the literature and language of the sea.

The ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MAMMALS covers the behavior, diet, distribution, and evolution of
every known living mammal in the world in clear, accessible language, and is superbly
illustrated throughout with photographs and original artwork.

There are also three new editions included in this content release - OXFORD DICTIONARY OF

The update also includes an online-only entry on Faith Schools, which has been added to
access to content unavailable anywhere else, either in print or online.

A new, interactive periodic table is now part of Oxford Reference Online. Located in the
entry for Periodic Table in the OXFORD DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY, subscribers can click on
any element in the table to hop to the entry in the OXFORD DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY
corresponding to that element.

Don't forget: Users can now e-mail links to search results, allowing them to share
results with colleagues and other OXFORD REFERENCE ONLINE users. Simple click the "E-mail
Search Results" button available on all search results pages and fill in the form to send
the link. ***

This month, the OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY launches a free online magazine-a
monthly compendium of biography and history. You don't have to be a subscriber to enjoy
all of the amazing content found here every month.

In the premiere issue, see if you can master the Six Degree of Francis Bacon and enjoy a
novel Valentine's Day treat that allows you to send romantic biographies to your loved


Friday, February 02, 2007

NewsBank Hot Topics for February

TOPIC: Congress is working on a non-binding resolution showing disapproval of the president’s military policy in Iraq. What does a non-binding resolution do? What specifics of Bush’s policy does the resolution object to?
SEARCH TERMS: military strategy AND Iraq

ECONOMICS – Minimum Wage Legislation
TOPIC: One of the bills currently in congress is a bill to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25. What issue has divided business owners over support for this bill? What incremental plan does this bill outline for the wage increase?
SEARCH TERMS: minimum wage

ENVIRONMENT – Scientists Testify about Global Warming Reports
TOPIC: Congress is investigating allegations that the White House has pressured scientists to downplay their findings on global warming. What has been the testimony of scientists at the congressional hearings? What two watchdog groups filed the initial report on this?
SEARCH TERMS: global warming AND scientists

FILM AND TELEVISION – Golden Globe Awards
TOPIC: The Golden Globe Awards have been presented. Who were the big winners? How do these awards differ from the Academy Awards?
SEARCH TERMS: Golden Globe Awards

TOPIC: Israel's cabinet has approved Raleb Majadele as the first Arab Muslim minister of the Jewish state. What is the significance about this approval?
SEARCH TERMS: Israel AND government officials AND Muslims

TOPIC - There is a trend towards center-right governments being elected in Europe, and the countries involved are forming their own coalition within the European Union. What are the reasons for this trend?
SEARCH TERMS: Europe AND conservatism

CIVICS, GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS – Presidential Campaign 2008
TOPIC: Many people have declared their candidacy for the U.S. presidency. Who are the Democrats that are seeking the nomination? Who are the Republicans?
SEARCH TERMS: presidential election (2008)

CRIME AND LAW – Advertising Stunt
TOPIC: A Cartoon Network TV show promotion has caused a disruption especially in one particular city. What show was being promoted? Why did it cause a disruption? What city was most affected?
SEARCH TERMS: Cartoon Network

CRIME AND LAW – England and Sharia Law
TOPIC: According to a recent poll, a growing number of young Muslims in Britain are more in tune with Islam and favor the installation of Islamic law, Islamic dress for women and their own religious schools. What are the reasons for this change?
SEARCH TERMS: England AND Islamic law

ECONOMICS – Venezuela Nationalizations
TOPIC: In an effort to convert his country to his own brand of “21st century socialism” Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez intends on nationalizing the country's power and telecommunications companies. American companies stand to lose the most. How will this move affect foreign investment? How will it affect economic and international relations?
SEARCH TERMS: Venezuela AND nationalization

EDUCATION – Wisconsin School Cell Phone Ban
TOPIC: Wisconsin’s largest school district has decided to ban the student use of cell phones. What is the reason for the school to adopt this policy and how is it different from the reasons other cities have banned school cell phone use? What city dominates the district?
SEARCH TERMS: cellular telephones AND schools AND bans

HISTORY – Stonehenge
TOPIC: Excavations near Stonehenge have uncovered dozens of homes where people lived at the same time Stonehenge was erected. What is Stonehenge? When was it built? What is the mystery surrounding this structure? What is the significance of this new find?
SEARCH TERMS: Stonehenge

HISTORY – E. Howard Hunt
TOPIC: One of the key members of the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.), E. Howard Hunt has died. What is the organization that developed out of the O.S.S. What was Hunt’s role in that? What government scandal was Hunt involved in during the mid-1970s? What was his role?
SEARCH TERMS: E. Howard Hunt

INTERNATIONAL – British and Saudi Arms Deal
TOPIC: British fraud investigators have stopped a probe into a multi-billion pound arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Why have they stopped their probe? What will happen to this deal?
SEARCH TERMS: England AND Saudi Arabia AND bribery AND arms sales

SOCIAL ISSUES - Black Panthers
TOPIC: Former Black Panthers Ray Boudreaux and Henry Jones have been arrested for the 1971 murder of San Francisco police sergeant John V. Young. Who were the Black Panthers? What have been the recent political activities of these two men?
SEARCH TERMS: Black Panthers AND arrests

ENVIRONMENT – Ganges River
TOPIC: Indian holy men threatened to boycott a major religious festival, in which millions of people wash away sins in the Ganges river. What are their reasons? What can the government do to clean and then prevent future pollution?
SEARCH TERMS: Ganges River

HEALTH – Center for the Intrepid
TOPIC: A new high-tech center for the medical rehabilitation of Army soldiers injured in Iraq has been built outside of San Antonio, Texas. What spurred the need to build this facility? What have become common injuries seen in this war?
SEARCH TERMS: Center for the Intrepid

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – Pakistan Installs Biometric System
TOPIC: Pakistan introduced along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border a biometric computerized control system. What is this system? Why is it needed?
SEARCH TERMS: border control AND biometric technology

TOPIC: Microsoft Corp. has just released its new software called Windows Vista. What does this software do? What has been the customer response?
SEARCH TERMS: Microsoft Corp. AND product introductions

SPORTS – Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy
TOPIC: The Chicago Bears and the Indianapolis Colts will be playing in this year’s Super Bowl and coaching these teams will be Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy. What distinguishes these coaches from Super Bowl coaches in the past? What team did both of these men once coach for?
SEARCH TERMS: Lovie Smith OR Tony Dungy

SPORTS – Bennie Parsons
TOPIC: Former NASCAR champion Bennie Parsons has died. What major races did Parsons win? What years did he win? What career change did Parsons make after retiring from racing?
SEARCH TERMS: Bennie Parsons

SPORTS – Tiger Woods and Roger Federer
TOPIC: Both Tiger Woods and Roger Federer have had very strong years in their respective sports – golf and tennis. What has been the relationship between these two men? How is each one ranked in his respective sport?
SEARCH TERMS: Tiger Woods AND/OR Roger Federer

SPORTS – Barbaro
TOPIC: The racehorse Barbaro has been euthanized due to the ongoing pain of poorly healing fractured bones. What awards and honors did Barbaro win in his career as a racehorse? What tragedy did Barbaro suffer that so moved the feelings of horseracing fans?
SEARCH TERMS: horse racing AND animal euthanasia

FILM AND TELEVISION – Actress Helen Mirren
TOPIC: Actress Helen Mirren has won several awards recently for playing a queen. For what other roles is she known?
SEARCH TERMS: Helen Mirren

TOPIC: France’s Louvre Museum has joined a project to create a satellite of the museum in the United Arab Emirates capital Abu Dhabi. What has been the reaction of the French to this project? Will the economic advantages to the museum make the project worthwhile?

TOPIC: Dan Saxon Palmer, designer of the modernist tract home, and consequently the look of many of the early Southern California suburbs, has passed away. What decade were Palmer’s homes most dominate? What other states saw a lot of Palmer’s homes built in their suburbs?
SEARCH TERMS: Dan Saxon Palmer

LITERATURE – Harry Potter
TOPIC: The date for the next Harry Potter book has been announced. When will it be released? What is its title? What is special about this book?
SEARCH TERMS: Harry Potter

LITERATURE – Sidney Sheldon
TOPIC: Author Sidney Sheldon has passed away. In what other mediums did Sheldon’s work appear other than books? Who were Sheldon’s biggest fans? Why?
SEARCH TERMS: Sidney Sheldon

PERFORMING ARTS – Smoking in the Theater
TOPIC: State and local smoking laws have had a unique impact on theater performances. Plays that have characters and scenes where smoking is a central aspect have objected to having these laws imposed. What constitutional right have some theaters invoked to defend the right of actors to smoke onstage? What cities have seen these lawsuits?
SEARCH TERMS: smoking AND theater

PEOPLE – Lauren Nelson – Miss America
TOPIC: Lauren Nelson has won the title of Miss America. What state is Miss Nelson from? Why is that state significant in this year’s win? Where does this famous pageant now take place and where was its original location?
SEARCH TERMS: Miss America

PEOPLE – Art Buchwald
TOPIC: Famous political and humor columnist Art Buchwald has passed away. What was notable about his work? What was unique about the way Mr. Buchwald chose to spend his last months?
SEARCH TERMS: Art Buchwald

PEOPLE – Ban Ki-moon
TOPIC: New U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has pledged to complete much-needed reforms at the United Nations. What does he propose to do? Will he be effective in bringing reform to the UN? Will he make the UN a stronger player in problem areas though out the world?

PEOPLE – Alan Leong
TOPIC: Lawmaker Alan Leong is a candidate to be chief executive of Hong Kong. What is unique about Leong’s candidacy? What candidate is his primary competitor?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

EBSCOHost Upgrade

We are pleased to provide this advance notification of upcoming EBSCOhost enhancements, primarily to the popular Search and Journal Alert functionality, in conjunction with the use of RSS feeds. These updates are being introduced as a direct result of customer feedback, and are scheduled to become available to EBSCOhost users this spring.

Key components of the new features include:

* A new one-step Journal and Search Alert process, from the Journal Home Page and the Search History screen
* A one-step creation of RSS feeds for personalized (logged in to a My EBSCOhost folder) users
* The ability for users not signed in to a My EBSCOhost folder to create RSS feeds of alert content from EBSCOhost
* Multiple database support for search alerts
* Additional Alert usability enhancements

Please visit EBSCO's Support Site often, ( to browse the Knowledge Base of thousands of FAQs, downloadable Flash tutorials, Help Sheets, Trainer Guides, Market Summaries and User Guides.

NetLibrary eBook of the Month

NetLibrary eBook of the Month:

A Companion to African-American Studies
Edited by Lewis R. Gordon (Temple University) and Jane Anna Gordon (Temple University) Blackwell Publishing, 2006

In celebration of African-American History Month, NetLibrary has partnered with Blackwell Publishing to offer A Companion to African-American Studies
as the February eBook of the Month. A groundbreaking re-appraisal of the history and future of African-American studies, the Companion includes
original essays by expert scholars in the field and covers each topic with authority and clarity.

Edited by Lewis R. Gordon and Jane Anna Gordon, A Companion to African-American Studies is a definitive intervention at a critical time in the
history of race relations and in the academic field of race and ethnic studies. Bringing together a dazzling array of established and emergent
voices, the Companion opens with a series of reflections from those who waged pitched battles to establish African-American Studies as a bona fide
academic discipline and captures the dynamic interaction of African-American Studies with other fields of inquiry.

Designed to increase awareness of online resources and highlight the value of your eBook collection, the February eBook of the Month is provided
through the generous support of Blackwell Publishing. Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your NetLibrary collection by sharing this
comprehensive overview of African-American studies. NetLibrary is also offering a 10% discount for libraries that purchase A Companion to
African-American Studies before February 28, 2007. Learn more at:,pyqx,58n,jt1e,azn,1spf,h4oz

NewsBank Hot Topics


See more information on these topics in NewsBank’s Special Reports

TOPIC: Congress is working on a non-binding resolution showing disapproval of the president’s military policy in Iraq. What does a non-binding resolution do? What specifics of Bush’s policy does the resolution object to?
SEARCH TERMS: military strategy AND Iraq

ECONOMICS – Minimum Wage Legislation
TOPIC: One of the bills currently in congress is a bill to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25. What issue has divided business owners over support for this bill? What incremental plan does this bill outline for the wage increase?
SEARCH TERMS: minimum wage

ENVIRONMENT – Scientists Testify about Global Warming Reports
TOPIC: Congress is investigating allegations that the White House has pressured scientists to downplay their findings on global warming. What has been the testimony of scientists at the congressional hearings? What two watchdog groups filed the initial report on this?
SEARCH TERMS: global warming AND scientists

FILM AND TELEVISION – Golden Globe Awards
TOPIC: The Golden Globe Awards have been presented. Who were the big winners? How do these awards differ from the Academy Awards?
SEARCH TERMS: Golden Globe Awards

TOPIC: Israel's cabinet has approved Raleb Majadele as the first Arab Muslim minister of the Jewish state. What is the significance about this approval?
SEARCH TERMS: Israel AND government officials AND Muslims

TOPIC - There is a trend towards center-right governments being elected in Europe, and the countries involved are forming their own coalition within the European Union. What are the reasons for this trend?
SEARCH TERMS: Europe AND conservatism

CIVICS, GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS – Presidential Campaign 2008
TOPIC: Many people have declared their candidacy for the U.S. presidency. Who are the Democrats that are seeking the nomination? Who are the Republicans?
SEARCH TERMS: presidential election (2008)

CRIME AND LAW – Advertising Stunt
TOPIC: A Cartoon Network TV show promotion has caused a disruption especially in one particular city. What show was being promoted? Why did it cause a disruption? What city was most affected?
SEARCH TERMS: Cartoon Network

CRIME AND LAW – England and Sharia Law
TOPIC: According to a recent poll, a growing number of young Muslims in Britain are more in tune with Islam and favor the installation of Islamic law, Islamic dress for women and their own religious schools. What are the reasons for this change?
SEARCH TERMS: England AND Islamic law

ECONOMICS – Venezuela Nationalizations
TOPIC: In an effort to convert his country to his own brand of “21st century socialism” Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez intends on nationalizing the country's power and telecommunications companies. American companies stand to lose the most. How will this move affect foreign investment? How will it affect economic and international relations?
SEARCH TERMS: Venezuela AND nationalization

EDUCATION – Wisconsin School Cell Phone Ban
TOPIC: Wisconsin’s largest school district has decided to ban the student use of cell phones. What is the reason for the school to adopt this policy and how is it different from the reasons other cities have banned school cell phone use? What city dominates the district?
SEARCH TERMS: cellular telephones AND schools AND bans

HISTORY – Stonehenge
TOPIC: Excavations near Stonehenge have uncovered dozens of homes where people lived at the same time Stonehenge was erected. What is Stonehenge? When was it built? What is the mystery surrounding this structure? What is the significance of this new find?
SEARCH TERMS: Stonehenge

HISTORY – E. Howard Hunt
TOPIC: One of the key members of the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.), E. Howard Hunt has died. What is the organization that developed out of the O.S.S. What was Hunt’s role in that? What government scandal was Hunt involved in during the mid-1970s? What was his role?
SEARCH TERMS: E. Howard Hunt

INTERNATIONAL – British and Saudi Arms Deal
TOPIC: British fraud investigators have stopped a probe into a multi-billion pound arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Why have they stopped their probe? What will happen to this deal?
SEARCH TERMS: England AND Saudi Arabia AND bribery AND arms sales

SOCIAL ISSUES - Black Panthers
TOPIC: Former Black Panthers Ray Boudreaux and Henry Jones have been arrested for the 1971 murder of San Francisco police sergeant John V. Young. Who were the Black Panthers? What have been the recent political activities of these two men?
SEARCH TERMS: Black Panthers AND arrests

ENVIRONMENT – Ganges River
TOPIC: Indian holy men threatened to boycott a major religious festival, in which millions of people wash away sins in the Ganges river. What are their reasons? What can the government do to clean and then prevent future pollution?
SEARCH TERMS: Ganges River

HEALTH – Center for the Intrepid
TOPIC: A new high-tech center for the medical rehabilitation of Army soldiers injured in Iraq has been built outside of San Antonio, Texas. What spurred the need to build this facility? What have become common injuries seen in this war?
SEARCH TERMS: Center for the Intrepid

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – Pakistan Installs Biometric System
TOPIC: Pakistan introduced along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border a biometric computerized control system. What is this system? Why is it needed?
SEARCH TERMS: border control AND biometric technology

TOPIC: Microsoft Corp. has just released its new software called Windows Vista. What does this software do? What has been the customer response?
SEARCH TERMS: Microsoft Corp. AND product introductions

SPORTS – Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy
TOPIC: The Chicago Bears and the Indianapolis Colts will be playing in this year’s Super Bowl and coaching these teams will be Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy. What distinguishes these coaches from Super Bowl coaches in the past? What team did both of these men once coach for?
SEARCH TERMS: Lovie Smith OR Tony Dungy

SPORTS – Bennie Parsons
TOPIC: Former NASCAR champion Bennie Parsons has died. What major races did Parsons win? What years did he win? What career change did Parsons make after retiring from racing?
SEARCH TERMS: Bennie Parsons

SPORTS – Tiger Woods and Roger Federer
TOPIC: Both Tiger Woods and Roger Federer have had very strong years in their respective sports – golf and tennis. What has been the relationship between these two men? How is each one ranked in his respective sport?
SEARCH TERMS: Tiger Woods AND/OR Roger Federer

SPORTS – Barbaro
TOPIC: The racehorse Barbaro has been euthanized due to the ongoing pain of poorly healing fractured bones. What awards and honors did Barbaro win in his career as a racehorse? What tragedy did Barbaro suffer that so moved the feelings of horseracing fans?
SEARCH TERMS: horse racing AND animal euthanasia

FILM AND TELEVISION – Actress Helen Mirren
TOPIC: Actress Helen Mirren has won several awards recently for playing a queen. For what other roles is she known?
SEARCH TERMS: Helen Mirren

TOPIC: France’s Louvre Museum has joined a project to create a satellite of the museum in the United Arab Emirates capital Abu Dhabi. What has been the reaction of the French to this project? Will the economic advantages to the museum make the project worthwhile?

TOPIC: Dan Saxon Palmer, designer of the modernist tract home, and consequently the look of many of the early Southern California suburbs, has passed away. What decade were Palmer’s homes most dominate? What other states saw a lot of Palmer’s homes built in their suburbs?
SEARCH TERMS: Dan Saxon Palmer

LITERATURE – Harry Potter
TOPIC: The date for the next Harry Potter book has been announced. When will it be released? What is its title? What is special about this book?
SEARCH TERMS: Harry Potter

LITERATURE – Sidney Sheldon
TOPIC: Author Sidney Sheldon has passed away. In what other mediums did Sheldon’s work appear other than books? Who were Sheldon’s biggest fans? Why?
SEARCH TERMS: Sidney Sheldon

PERFORMING ARTS – Smoking in the Theater
TOPIC: State and local smoking laws have had a unique impact on theater performances. Plays that have characters and scenes where smoking is a central aspect have objected to having these laws imposed. What constitutional right have some theaters invoked to defend the right of actors to smoke onstage? What cities have seen these lawsuits?
SEARCH TERMS: smoking AND theater

PEOPLE – Lauren Nelson – Miss America
TOPIC: Lauren Nelson has won the title of Miss America. What state is Miss Nelson from? Why is that state significant in this year’s win? Where does this famous pageant now take place and where was its original location?
SEARCH TERMS: Miss America

PEOPLE – Art Buchwald
TOPIC: Famous political and humor columnist Art Buchwald has passed away. What was notable about his work? What was unique about the way Mr. Buchwald chose to spend his last months?
SEARCH TERMS: Art Buchwald

PEOPLE – Ban Ki-moon
TOPIC: New U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has pledged to complete much-needed reforms at the United Nations. What does he propose to do? Will he be effective in bringing reform to the UN? Will he make the UN a stronger player in problem areas though out the world?

PEOPLE – Alan Leong
TOPIC: Lawmaker Alan Leong is a candidate to be chief executive of Hong Kong. What is unique about Leong’s candidacy? What candidate is his primary competitor?